
Monday, December 30, 2024

Astrology Breif - December 30, 2024-January 5, 2025

We begin the week and conclude the year with a special Black Moon which is the second
New Moon in a calendar month. It marks special energy of new beginnings and for some is thought to be energetically powerful and even magical. In Capricorn it contributes to the 2025 chart setting a pace for the year ahead. Many are anxious to get the year going and leave the previous behind so welcome new celestial rays that portent opportunity.

Venus moves into Pisces creating a dreamy and lofty vibration that elevates matters of emotion and how we connect to others. Also the looming Mars-Pluto energy is still in effect that can be intense.

Pisces plays a significant role for the upcoming year with several planets weaving in and out of it that leads the higher mind to see beyond the everyday mundane world. It’s good to stay grounded and focused. 2025 is filled with Pisces energy that will have many focusing on faith and beliefs in a number of ways. Some will return o religious roots while others will see value and worth in various aspects of religions. It’s a year of finishing, completion, and looking toward the future with idealism and the sense that something extra in the atmosphere that inspires to look to the future. More people will be open to their intuitive sense and instinct will be stronger and likely used more. It will be important to have something to which you are grounded to help you stay on track as you could be open more so to mystical experiences.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Seeing Monkeys - Trickster?

It’s not uncommon to see black bear and other animals such as hawks and eagles plus

plenty of alligators and snakes although it’s less common to see a coyote which has appeared again and the addition of a baboon sitting by the road. We’ve had monkeys in my area for years but not so close. I worry for them as aggressive construction is taking their homes. Hopefully the coyote and the monkey will find a safe place although no matter where they go this isn’t a safe place. Both species were not natural to this area, were imported, and now wandering.

In Native American tradition so tribes see this is consequences of arrogance and folly, sometime called the Trickster.

Ancient Egypt honored them as representative of intelligence and flexibility. The God is Thoth.

That this monkey is misplaced and wondering suggests where he goes is a message that something has gone wrong.

Interesting, too that in Native American tradition coyote energy is also called the Trickster.  .  

Monday, December 16, 2024

Astrology for December 16-22, 2024


Between this recent Full Moon in Gemini and the upcoming Quarter Moon in Virgo at the end of the week the energy is somewhat mysterious due to the solar angle to Neptune that for some might obscure clarity and for others provide deep insight. The ability to go within and to sense surroundings is there for everyone and yet scrutinizing and discernment is needed. Discernment is a powerful process though frequently overlooked for a variety of reasons. The week is one during which you can exercise this ability and strengthen it as needed. To discern is to deliberate or question a circumstance or feeling for what’s best so as to determine is action to go forward is best, or not. Many, this year, have been in a quandary as the overload of information has created many weary spirits. The current placement of the Sun so angled to Neptune can be distorting somewhat like moving through a heavy fog. Feeling your way and taking precautionary steps before venturing forward is best so certain it’s a week to determine how best to go forward with investments, time, energy and trust. Venus and Jupiter provide a positive outlook and ideals surfacing that are nice as long as reason is in place beforehand. The tide is on the wane that deepens moods and reminds us to listen to our inner wisdom and even take time to hear the whisperings of our ancestors that are right now very paramount. This the first of a two week cycle before the unusual Black Moon occurs on December 30. The turning of our planet commences Saturday with the Winter Solstice (summer in the Southern Hemisphere) that is the shortest day and longest night of the year. It coincides closely with Christmas on December 25 bringing much lore and mysticism and a time to embrace the greater aspects of life and spiritual purpose. Throughout time the day has been honored and celebrated in part as a time when the world commences to go forward toward growing light and rebirth of life.

Monday, December 9, 2024

Astrology for December 9-15, 2024

The Full Moon in Gemini ends the week along with Mercury turning direct. Throughout the week Mars retrograde along with Mercury’s final week in retrograde continues to aggravate and keep many feeling unsettled as distortions still flow. Mercury is all forms of communication including with yourself (your inner dialogue) and Mars is energy that keeps pots stirred and mindsets volatile. It’s like a whirlwind and what comes to mind is the beginning of The Wizard of Oz as the woman on her bicycle is swept up in the storm. Mental storms are everywhere and some parts of the world are at boiling points. We’ve seen and experienced tipping points due to Mars opposing Pluto that will happen again in early January. On a personal level it’s good to pace yourself and pay attention to your priorities so as not to be swept away in the numerous types of storms. This is a time to secure your boundaries and recognize what’s valuable to you for at least peace of mind. The combined cosmic energies are about direction ranging from literal to esoteric. Economically there’s swirling rays that keep many up-in-the-air. Venus opposing Mars on Thursday hints are how social lives will be changing that include the way in which you’re connected to groups and organizations.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

The Excellent movie: Young Woman and the Sea

Young Woman and the Sea

Based on the life of Trudy Ederle, who, in 1926, was the first woman to swim across the English Channel, this is a well done movie starring Daisy Ridley and Stephen Graham. It transcends swimming in that it portrays a genuine passion as anyone drawn to an art, music or some aspect of the world. Nature, a place, advocacy, some aspect of history and so on are driving forces that create amazing results. It’s not always easily defined though it’s there within many that can be explored. In my opinion the film is well done, well executed and worth seeing.

Thursday, November 28, 2024

 New Wick movie is out.

Monday, November 25, 2024

Astrology Brief for November 26-December 1, 2024


So here we go into the final month of 2024 that has brought throughout the world many changes as

most everyone strives to understand and work through. The term “global unrest” certainly applies with the undercurrent of a need to sort through data heaped onto everyone at a rapid rate. Relationships have been challenged and concepts of unity have been and are being pondered. Earlier in the year there was a major eclipse and more recently we’ve experienced four Supermoons in a row that has stirred many areas of life. This week Mercury will retrograde that opens avenues of personal awareness helping to gain reflection needed to go forward with more clarity and intent. Sagittarius is a dominant factor right now that’s helpful for planning in a hopeful way what you can create in the coming year. This is a week to gain momentum and glean ways to get the ball rolling.

Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius for three weeks, from November 25 until December and is more a time for this retrograde cycle to be about reflection, not just because it’s near and goes into the next year but because Sagittarius opens mental vistas and expanded views of the world. Now that Pluto is fully into Aquarius and there’s a preponderance of Sagittarius, the sign of hope and inspiration, it’s easier to see a bigger view of the world and how we’re all connected. This time can be a return to inspired thinking and beliefs. The expected indications apply such as this being a time to wait until it concludes or elect times before or after to begin major changes; to be thorough with communication and plan well if traveling; and to double check all messages and contracts for accuracy. Realigning your lifestyle is positive and clearing away what’s the way of progress are beneficial activities. Old friends and past associations may reenter the picture.

December 1 - the New Moon in Sagittarius at 1:22 AM sets a nice pace for the next two weeks as the lunar tide grows. Big ideas and dreams surface for you to consider and you’re inspired to set goals for what you ideally want to achieve. Connecting to others gives insight. Contemplation expands your consciousness.

Monday, November 11, 2024

Astrology Brief for November 11-17, 2024

 We have a Full Moon in Taurus this week and Venus will move into Capricorn where it resides until December 7. As part of the Supermoon parade of four in a row this has been bringing to a peak emotional energy and along with Mars in Leo opposing Pluto the times are further sensitized. Mars is primarily energy and Pluto is major change so those two planets opposing

creates contention and at the least challenge. The opposition is somewhat on-and-off as it has already formed an opposition and will again as Pluto moves from Capricorn to Aquarius. The longer reign of Mars in Leo continues into next year sensitizing you and calling for you to note inner motivations. Taking time to assess your feelings and evaluate how you feel and impulses helps to gain self-knowledge and awareness that in turn helps to make positive decisions. Venus in Capricorn until December 7 is about loyalty and sincerity and practicality especially in personal matters. Long-term relationships benefit as the time it’s easier for commitments and managing those dynamics. Reason helps to enrich them.

Monday, November 4, 2024

Astrology Brief for November 4-10, 2024


November is proving to be quite significant with the onset of Pluto entering Aquarius for an eighteen year stay beginning the nineteenth affecting many organizations, close and group associations as well as goals for individuals. I’ll be reporting about this as much as possible to help being prepared. Before the month closes Mercury will make its final three week retrograde cycle of 2024 and many will feel the impulse to think more philosophically and esoterically due to the abundance of Sagittarian energy manifesting. Right now, this week is good for laying groundwork for what you want to have underway by 2025

November 4                                                                           

The Sun trine Saturn begins the week with strong and tenacious energy. This helps to be well-grounded giving perseverance and commitment. You can build on what you have and grow from there as well as it helps to build anew if you need to.

November 9

The Quarter Moon in Aquarius sets a pace for the next week during which you can gain ground and put plans into place for the future. You may shift how you connect with others and in some way compromise for the greater good.

Venus square Neptune is about waiting to see clarity and truth as there can be complexities and either confusion or deception in the mix of connecting with others. Personal relationships need to coast with little expectation for right now. There can be simple mystery that’s cleared up later or something afoot that needs addressing.


Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Astrology Brief for October 21-27, 2024



The Moon on the wane and the Sun moving into Scorpio adds to the already mysterious atmosphere. It’s a unique time of year as we move through another season and mysteries and memories of life surface.

The opening of the energy of Pluto entering Aquarius that lasts nearly 20 years is already showing its colors of change and maneuvering through new and strange waters and while not officially there until mid November the eclipses and 4 Supermoons in a row having just hit us it’s no wonder that changes of life are afoot.

This week is the Quarter Moon in Leo October 24 sparks the need to face your own realities and where you stand in the world. What you want and how to get it looms as a signal that there’s more to life than overtly realized. Many shifts are before us as individuality is a marker for how we manage and where we go. You may feel a strong impulse to strike out of a routine and launch something specific that fulfills you.

This is a good week to ponder and think about what you want to do to further you along the path of an ideal. The energies are so that you find ways to begin manifesting something you’ve wanted to do for a long time. This could be something small that helps to open a doorway to something bigger so don’t underestimate small, especially creative ventures. There are turns in the road that are markers of what’s ahead.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Astrology for October 14-20, 2024 & the Aries Full Moon


In addition to the Aries Full Moon, Venus takes prominence and will also change signs, moving into Sagittarius until November 10 helping to regain and boost optimism and hope. Venus is active all week giving you an opportunity to restore within your personal needs and desires and it will help to exercise discernment and gain greater understanding of your relationships with others. The Aries Moon, as it reaches its peak brings forth your sense of how you relate to others and them to you so you can have a clearer perspective of those dynamics. How you feel as an individual becomes important to honor and elevate. The week is personal in that it gives you focus on your own needs and desires.

The Aries Full Moon on Thursday sometime called the Hunter’s Moon which is part of the eclipse axis in that it keeps those more significant doors open for taking the initiative and forging ahead in the way of the pioneer. Until this time it’s good to settle what you can and work on completion so you can go into repose and settle on those hours leading up to it. A full Moon is the culmination of energy so it’s time to rest although contemplation and meditation on accomplishments and ways to go forward is a strong way to work with this vibration.

Venus in Sagittarius beginning October 17 until November 10 is positive and a strong motivator where you need it the most. Energy fuels society and also personal alliances that go a long way. There’s more an inclination to plan and see bigger vistas on the rise and realigning with ones faith and goals is an ideal way to work with this vibration. Venus is considered the planet of love so there’s that in the air with various ways it might manifest. It represents creativity so inspiration to delve into your abilities in that area is stronger. Part of the human psyche is just that – being creative.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Blade Runner is Alive & on Target in Today's World

These recent times suggests the movie, Blade Runner is here and now. 

It's one of my favorites and quite intriguing. When I watched it then I felt it was the likely future for planet Earth. Released in 1982, directed by Ridley Scott, it still holds as quality and perception if we stay on the same path. It's free to see on YouTube. Currently I'm sitting under rainy skies waiting for a storm. 

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Astrology Brief for October 7-13, 2024



The Quarter Moon in Capricorn is an open road toward the next Full Moon on October 17 which is an upward swing of energy carrying you through as you work on gaining ground and making headway during this new season. There’s still an emphasis on discovering where you need to be more empowered that has been and is now through communication including listening. The back and forth dialogue in several avenues of life are revealing and helpful to be discerning and make wise decisions. The last day this week Mercury forms a hard aspect to Pluto and then quickly goes into Scorpio where it will be until November 2. Both energies catapult you into a kind of quickening during which you are in discovery mode – not all pleasant though helpful so you know more thoroughly where issues have originated and your own dynamic within those associations. Being in the last degree of Capricorn begins the long duration in Aquarius, Pluto pushes to see and understand what has happened over the last at least 16 years and where you are today. Changes are still beaconing to see with depth and truth. Social media and mainstream news continues to bombard everyone that before the year ends a shift will begin away from blind faith and simply moving along with it all by rote. Once in mid November major changes unfold and while you’ll be called upon to think more for yourself it’s somewhat welcomed as it opens insight where you can more naturally sense truth from fiction and more layers of what’s happening both personally and in the world. Self-assessment is called for now that strengthens your psyche and prepares you for the changes just ahead. You’re finishing up old business and sorting out how you want to go forward.

The detailed daily insight is on Patreon.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Jordan Rudess - Shadow of the Moon (Official Video)

Astrology Brief for September 30-October 6, 2024



Many look forward to October that seems to hold promise of brighter days to come with the beginning of several holidays and a new season. Halloween has become a major time for sales indicating interest in celebrating and letting go for a time problems and stresses and to some October 31 is All Hallows Eve, the day before All Saints Day is considered sacred. It’s a concept that this is a time when the veil between earth and the spirit world is thin and spirits may go back and forth between the two is embraced.  We’ve already experiencing eclipses still in effect and more intense energy via four Supermoons in a row so a time to relax is welcomed. Cosmic influences vary according to how they fall in individual birth charts although the collective consciousness response affects everyone.

Mercury carries weight this week that both enlightens and opens communication. Seeking what is outside the self and connecting is the impetus influenced by the fourth dimensions. Minds will be charged and roaming for insight and knowledge.

Midweek, Wednesday, the Libra New Moon conjuncts Mercury that furthers multi-levels of awareness during which for two weeks doors are open for attunement. It’s good for asking about anything that might be related to emotions, status, hopes and so on. The channel is open. Study and research goes deep as does understanding. Libra influence helps with perspective.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Sin Eaters

 In not so ancient history people hired someone to be a sin eater with the belief that special  food prepared for the purpose of having the “sin eater” consume it that the sins were consumed through the food and the deceased could ascend to heaven. 

Today many believe food prepared by an angry person is unhealthy or toxic which may or may not be true although there is interesting research about the impact on something when negative energy bombards it. Dr Emoto of Japan has done extensive research with profound photographs of water influenced by specific words spoken into it. Words like hate and love significantly change the molecular structure as shown in his book and on his website. If so then it’s worth considering how what you consume may be influenced by specific energy.

The idea of saying a prayer, grace, before a meal can be worth consideration as this usually includes asking the food be blessed.

 People can eat presumed healthy food while some simply eat whatever they’re inclined regardless of health or any other reason that seems to be both effectual and ineffectual. Fads and about food frequently changes and what’s prescribed changes and yet the ideal diet has yet to be determined.

Some types of toxic people include narcissistic, borderline, histrionic, and antisocial personality disorders, bipolar disorder and a long list of unhealthy mental states. That doesn’t mean someone will get sick by eating food prepared by them but potential psychic or emotional links seem to be a form of binding or influence. Clearly eating “healthy” and striving to maintain good nutrition is worthwhile and yet individuals seem to be subject to other factors such as hopefulness, faith and numerous ideologies. 

Astrology Brief for September 23-29, 2024


The Lunar Eclipse peaked last week though is still in effect emphasized by the current Quarter Moon in Cancer that creates an inward shift of emotion and overall sensitivity. Mercury, planet of communication has a strong pull toward thinking outside-the-box and also being aware of dynamics that may not be all they seem. You can garner strength and fortitude through objectivity and discernment along the way of interacting with others and encountering situations. A boundary is its own strength.

September 24, 2024

The Quarter Moon in Cancer begins a week of realigning with what matters most to you. Your personal life is a priority and ways to secure and nurture it is important. Some things will be put on a back burner to make room for what you care about and need the most.

September 26

Mercury moves into Libra where for a few weeks you can harmonize and see intricacies in relationships. There are opportunities that make it easy to connect with others and gain ground in groups. A key benefit is having perspective so noting those is very helpful to discern and understand interactive dynamics.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Full Super Eclipsing Moon in Pisces


This evening at 10:34 PM ET there is a Full Super Moon Eclipse in Pisces visible in the Americas, the Middle East, Africa, Antarctica, the western Indian Ocean, Polynesia and the Atlantic Ocean and will be seen near the planet Saturn. This is a mysterious energy creating sensitivity, emotional peaks and an open door to other realms. As I’ve been saying the last two weeks and before – it’s good o have what you can lined up and set by now and take time to meditate and contemplate. Visualization is enhanced as is all forms of creativity. Connection to higher dimensions more easily brings insight. This resonation may last for weeks and even months due to other alignments that deepens dreams and your otherworldly mindset so journaling and making note of unusual experiences is a good idea. Knowing where it activates specific areas of your natal chart gives further information about how you’re likely affected.

Following this in a few days on September 22 is the Autumn Equinox which is equal day and equal night and the beginning of the Sun transiting Libra. Many will be striving to balance and understand the outer world and find harmony within.

Monday, September 16, 2024

A Lunar Eclipse, Supermoon, Harvest Moon and the Autumn Equinox

 Astrology Details for September 16-22, 2024        


The Sun and Mercury play important roles in this week’s energy as they both make pivotal angles of influence. The Sun in Virgo trine Uranus and Pluto plus opposing Neptune is dynamic in that the impetus to make decisions and desire to take significant action is strong. Society and the collective consciousness moves in a kind of unison while individually each feels drawn to be part of it while simultaneously acting independently, all the while linked to the cosmos. The compelling urge is there across the board even when choosing to avoid or embrace it. Contemplation and meditation upon these higher energies is extending awareness resulting in more doors open for moving in unison with a higher order. A trine of the Sun in Virgo to Uranus in Taurus benefits unique perspectives and the trine to Pluto in the last degree of Capricorn is an almost breathless urge to take the initiative to rebirth some aspect of your life. All this is in the earth element that’s a more ominous sense of need and the flow of support for manifesting. The Virgo Sun opposing Neptune in Pisces calls for giving careful thought to the nebulous and unclear so you can remain grounded in reality. This can benefit your spirit self making it easy to attune to higher realms and commune within your beliefs. The week is wonderful for exploring dreams, aspirations and your inner psyche.  Mercury angles help with this and also calls for discernment in all matters.

Happy Autumn Equinox!

The Sun enters Libra September 22, making the day the beginning of a new season and new energy relating to refinement of your life overall. Many will celebrate through ritual, meditation and other activities to honor nature and this turning point for our home planet. For the next month there is striving toward understanding others and seeing the dynamics in relationships including any association you might have with the public. Social media and news will be very busy trying to keep up with all that occurs from now on and into October.

The Sun moving from pragmatic Virgo to a higher echelon of Libra calls for discernment and understanding the ways you’re connected to other people and significant others. The give and take of relationships looms large as does any relationship you have with the public. Realizing and refining those dynamics is strengthening. Here in the Northern Hemisphere it’s the Autumn (Fall) Equinox that is a balance of night and day as its half way between summer and winter.

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

 peaks on September 17, is also known as the Harvest Moon. It’s another Supermoon because it’s one of four Supermoons in a row. The eclipse of this Moon is mysterious and mystical especially in Pisces that opens doors of greater perception and possibly other realms. You might ask yourself, what are you harvesting? It’s good to have gathered and collected what you want to sustain for the months ahead and at the time of this peak is beneficial to reflect and contemplate your life as it relates to what you have that you value and wish to keep. In history it was a time to stock pantries and store goods. Animals have grown and many now are on their own, crops are harvested and life has settled into a routine of sustainability. Aligned with Neptune this creates an opening veil between the earth plane and other realms as well and it sensitizes you with greater insight.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Astrology for September 9-15, 2024



Energy grows and Jupiter helps to manifest more positivity blessings and opportunity. Mercury in Virgo encourages communication and gaining ground where needed making it easier to take steps forward. This is a good week to think about your needs and wants so you can line them up and get going or at least plant seeds in an affirmative direction. The week builds to a really nice energy on Sunday, Venus trine Jupiter, which is a mellow and encouraging vibration lending ways to grow inner peace and make beneficial connections of like-mind. For those inclined, intellectual pursuits benefit as does all forms of creativity. Socializing is great although the angle generously helps roaming through your artistic abilities and being creative even in small ways such as tweaking a recipe. Time spent enjoying solace is valuable. It’s easier to be more visionary and optimistic.


Monday, September 2, 2024

Astrology Brief for September 2-8, 2024


The week and month of September is off to a good start with the New Moon and is part of the energy of the upcoming lunar eclipse energy on September 17. It’s as if something’s in the air motivating you to lineup your needs and wants and get going.

Mars, planet of action is a strong ray that pivots you either in a new direction or ushers you forward with those aspects of your life you consider most important.

Pragmatism plays a strengthening factor helping you to build and make headway with emphasis on structuring your lifestyle and choices. Conscious decisions are empowered so planning and initiating priorities can go well. Making lists and taking new steps is worthwhile.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Mercury Direct and Uranus Retrograde - controversial

 Mercury is direct August 28 at 5:14 PM EDT on its way to a slow craw forward. The Astrology brief this week explains this: 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Astrology Brief for August 26-September 1, 2024


The Quarter Moon this week is a turn in the road on its way to the next in New Moon in one week on September 2. Venus shines bright with a few turns of its own that calls for noting personal connections and how they’re unfolding. It’s a personal week in that introspection and self-analysis become important. This is a vital energy to keep balance in relation to the world at large as Pluto remains at a critical point that keeps major areas somewhat up-in-the-air. Society stirs due to Uranus and Pluto. Mercury is direct from its three week retrograde transit that is a kind of release from much tediousness and need to maintain a focus on details and management. With all that, and while he lunar tide wanes, your inner journey and deepest part of your spirit calls for breakthroughs of awareness. These are strong but subtle patterns relating to the subconscious and inner life. Venus moves from the practical sign of Virgo into Libra for the next few weeks that prod realigning relationships and creative interests as well as striving for greater harmony and alignment. Virgo rays call for recognizing your divinity as a point of service and nurturing. 

Friday, August 23, 2024

It’s Virgo Season for All August 22 to September 22, 2024


An Esoteric Perspective:

Virgo season it’s more than about someone’s birthday or assigned gemstone – it affects everyone in some way even if subliminally. Throughout history the movements of the heavens has been noted and significant for agriculture as many farmers follow the Moon placements for planting and harvesting. For example, water signs, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are generally known for being fruitful times with variations for each sign. Right now the Sun moving through Virgo is a harvest time in the Northern Hemisphere and if not a farmer you have this influence to help you to be in alignment with the world around you in a number of ways.

The basics of Virgo are: It’s an earth sign of the four elements, fire, earth, air and water. The symbol is the maiden or virgin and attributes are details and mental focus. Knowing where the sign falls in your birth chart gives insight about where you manifest those traits. The planet ruler is Mercury which is closest to the Sun. Harmonious energies on earth is such as specific gemstones, colors, and various other associations. One example is that Mercury has rulership (influence) over birds.

How all are esoterically influenced during this month long cycle to be considered – you are helped to think and manage details that lead to thoroughness; details are more easily discerned; management through order is helped; it is the gestation of the Christ hidden in form; and the Mercurial influence keeps your mind going at a greater pace.

All these are subtle influences to ease you along in to corporeal world and if mediated upon you may gain spiritual insight of a higher nature such as realizations of the why of events or interactions. Simple yet it can be profound is asking yourself during this cycle what you’ve garnered thus far in your life and what are you harvesting? Your current state of mind, emotion and life is expressing it and with detailed oriented Virgo you can sort through and evaluate it all with an intention of moving forward to the next cycle of Libra during which you can refine and balance. Taking stock is a form of mental harvesting so you can see what you have, where you are and what you are doing and then you can sort through and become more orderly to function. Keep in mind that idealism is part of the divinity of Virgo that needs to be embraced with wisdom rather than self-judgment. Do what you can, when you can and where you can in the most gentle way.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Astrology Brief for August 19-25, 2024


The first of four Supermoons in a row is this week with the others happening September 17, October 17 and November 15. The influence of a low riding Moon often affects weather and the earth which could explain the earthquakes in California as the astrology chart for the state is impacted by celestial placements quite intensely.

Venus sheds a lot of energy right now that keeps us all in a self-awareness state of mind in part due to being in Virgo. Introspection is powerful with many pondering their own purposes and striving to discover how they fit into the scheme of the world. Mass media bombardment and bias has caused mistrust that can lead to separation due to doubt so striving to connect within is vital for peace of mind. The week benefits that process. Realizing your true desires and purpose can be empowered by the current stellar rays.

Virgo season begins August 22.


Monday, August 12, 2024

Astrology Brief for August 12-18, 2024



This week leads up to the first of four Supermoons in a row happening next Monday, August 19 in Aquarius. A Supermoon is a full or new Moon that nearly coincides with perigee—the closest that the Moon comes to the Earth in its elliptic orbit—resulting in a slightly larger-than-usual apparent size viewed from Earth. The technical name is a perigee syzygy or a full Moon around perigee. The energy has an effect in that it’s striking in appearance and can be alluring. It’s a manifestation therefore has an effect. While waxing, as it is now, the Moon gives strength and reinforces what you do. In the element air and ruler of the natural eleventh house of the zodiac it inspires and brings forth realization and action relating to others and concepts of the future. Seeing the bigger picture of your life and the world comes to mind. Mercury retrograde is still a dynamic energy as it forms significant angles to other planets calling for being methodical and thoughtful making decisions and actions you elect to take.

It’s overall a week to continue to recognize your individual worth and carefully manage how you maneuver through life to maintain rightful purpose and place. Insight and awareness are strong even with Mercury retrograde.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Astrology Brief for August-5-11, 2024


The New Moon in Leo this past Sunday begins an upward cycle of building energy for the next two weeks during which time Mercury retrograde moves through the last degrees of Virgo and into Leo before going direct on August 28. Momentum unfolds to realign and build strength upon which you can relay over time. There is a subtle and positive influence wherein you can form new ideas and plans and sort through past events so that you have priorities in good order.

This Mercury retrograde is less chaotic due to being in Virgo, the sign it rules and with the help of Venus and the Moon. Contemplation is a key factor.

It’s good to rest and restore your energy so you’re set to go as we move toward four Supermoon’s in a row and a few eclipses looming in the near future.

The Plight of Animals 2024


Monday, July 29, 2024

Astrology for July 29-August 4, 2024 New Moon in Leo


(excerpt from main column) 

Just after midnight on Sunday, August 4, Mercury is officially retrograde and already the influence seems to be in full force as so many forms of communication are in turmoil and decisions needed are either on hold or extraordinarily changing from day-to-day. During the upcoming three week retrograde cycle is the timing of it all but right now the energy swirls creating an atmosphere like being caught in a whirlwind or tornado. Getting in order what you can and settling into the concept of not really knowing everything and that being okay helps to maintain calm and peace.

Also on Sunday, August 4 the New Moon in Leo begins and elevation of energy so most of the week until then you may find value in clearing and releasing cumbersome circumstances, negative persons and situations as well as anything causing worry and anxiety. Reconnecting with your strength that comes in through the creative spirit leads the way toward beginning of incorporating into your lifestyle something extra as it relates to true talents and abilities. Something as simple as taking small bits of time to indulge in doing what you enjoy goes a long way toward strengthening your spirit and developing a fuller life. When the Moon wanes, growing darker, as it is now you can enjoy quiet time and ways to nurture and refine your energy. The time is for growing inner strength before a greater energy commences.

NOTE: at 12:49 AM, August 5, Mercury Retrogrades in Virgo that brings three weeks of a need to pay attention to details and all matters about work and how you live from day-to-day. Being methodical and thorough is the key to managing this ray. You may be more focused on health and how you feel so have greater interest in nutrition or what you need to maintain optimal energy and strength. The details of life can become skewed so management is important. During this time you may prefer to set aside important moves such as large investments or major life changes. The influence is already in progress with a stronger manifestation than usual making this entire week one to watch or be mindful about in a way as if the retrograde is already in progress.


Sunday, July 21, 2024

Astrology for July 22-28, 2024 ©SandraHelton

Welcome to the land of the lion with all its regal persona and strength. The Sun moves through Leo for the next month triggering your depth of character and truest self. We become ever more aware of our motivations and deep purpose in life that is a core truth regardless of what we do or lifestyle. This is a good cycle to ask yourself who you really are and how you might more so begin to manifest it. Many have abilities and inner truths sitting on the back burner and aspects of their souls that are powerful and authentic. Leo is the core self governing the heart center and character. Currently opposing Pluto the strength of this placement is more intense with personal demands self-imposed. Making decisions is calling. For many, what matters most in life takes on great focus and going along with the crowd or group think doesn’t suffice.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Astrology for July 15-21, 2024 ©SandraHelton


Mars and the Sun present strong impulses right up until the Full Moon on Sunday. Mars

energizes and depending on how it angles to planets in the solar system it can shift matters and cause attention getting events. It begins the week and ends it stirring strong emotions and urges to act on impulses. This an important time to think about how you feel and what you want to do that empowers rather than scatters you. Mars changes signs going from Taurus into Gemini where it will be for a few weeks and cause the urge to act and be more on the go. This whirlwind is strengthened by the growing lunar tide peaking in Capricorn on Sunday so you’re prodded to be quite busy. Certainly it’s good to have a direction and also a plan where can be successful if you’re clear about what you want to achieve. Even if you don’t physically travel you most likely will think expansively of other places and people and in some way make connections. Globally the world will be stirred through emphasis on furthering communication.

Building up this week you can plant seeds, instill ideas, begin something important to you with that plan culminating by the Full Moon – getting something is an ideal so you can work on it over time.

This can be a historic time for nations and major groups as well as individually being important for settling into a more meaningful life through your personal choices and declarations. Note that Mars conjunct Uranus is also conjunct the star Algol on Monday that is vicarious and volatile so it’s building rays call for being on guard and not giving way to risks. It’s unusual and likely unpleasant. Old astrology books refer to Algol as the most violent star in the heavens which I’ve seen in various charts that it plays out to be true.


These affirmations are composed based on current celestial placements. As a clinical hypnotherapist I’ve studied writing scripts for clients so the composition is written with the intent to allow connecting with the heavens and expanding awareness to be more in harmony for the highest good. Taking a moment to be still and ideally in a quiet place, or even when going to sleep, the reading or speaking of these may be helpful and benefit your soul journey. Even just seeing it can be beneficial.

                                    “My life is whole and moving more into an empowered place.”


Implement; apply; act; connect


Musician, Singer, Song writer for Animals

 A really wonderful singer, musician and writer dedicated to helping the plight of animals:

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Links to information about the Dog Days

Astrology for July 8-14, 2024



Venus, commonly known as the planet of love is prominent this week bringing forth a lot of interaction in a personal way. In addition to love this planet instigates all forms of social interaction, friendships, affection and creativity. The Quarter Moon in Libra that relates emphasizes relationships of numerous types where people connect one-to-one. How you’ve been connecting with others and where you are now is emphasized and up for consideration. More subtly social media has taken a toll on how and why you connect and has put a strain on those connections. The intensity of bias and neediness in major areas of society has caused pressure and made it more challenging to positively maintain. Expanding your consciousness can help to keep and salvage meaningful relationships so all isn’t lost. Of course, change is a byproduct of these times so gentle evaluation helps to know you maintain healthy connections. Creatively you may hatch some interesting perspectives and extend your network. As well taking time to connect with what you desire and your personal interests can be empowering. You may have put your creativity on the back burner that still beacons. Maybe you’ve put aside your art, your music and whatever you love to do. Interests in what you enjoy can also be empowering but also healing.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Astrology Column July 1-7, 2024 ©SandraHelton

 So here we go! Now, having past the line of demarcation, the Summer Solstice, toward the remainder

of the year, eclipses and several shifts and turns of major retrograde planets we move into deeper waters of the divine. As always, my motivation is to offer insight you can use to be more in sync with the grater harmony of the universe and also practically plan ways to have everything work more favorably for you.

July right away brings Neptune Retrograde in Pisces where it will be for five months awakening the mystery of life in a number of ways that for each personally will be a significant journey inward to places known and unknown within your mind as for each it opens specific doors where you need awareness before veiled. During this year for some there have been mysteries as to why specific events happened, for others there’s an awakening of other lifetimes and generally the soul of each feel a call to a higher order.

In July Mercury and Venus move into Leo while Mars goes into Gemini. Leo is prominent due to the Sun transiting there for a while that reinforces Mercury and Venus placements. You’re prompted to think about yourself as an entity and seen more as someone with purpose and embracing a higher aspect as a soul. In part it’s the mass communication shift and also personally shifts perspectives for you socially and possibly more personally. Certain realizations come into play that helps you to revamp you life in relation to anything from how you spend social time to allegiances.

For the daily detailed weekly column on Patreon:

Monday, June 24, 2024

Astrology for June 24-30, 2024

 Astrology for June 24-30, 2024 


This is another week to find time to retreat and go within for solace, rest and personal enlightenment. Once the Full Moon peaked last week it began its darkening phase along with the solstice that has begun shorter and darker days as we approach autumn reflecting many types of shadows. Mercury, planet of communication forms positive alignments that enhance your mental capacity to connect both inward and in the outer world reaching whatever way you find best. Learning and garnering knowledge is right there. Venus and Mars also make it easier to understand and work with relationships as you choose to be involved. A key energy right now is “mellow” as it defines not just needs but also how matters easily unfold. Whatever is happening in the world, you may ideally use this cycle to restore vitality to sustain you for the rest of the year. Saturn retrogrades in Pisces that takes you back into mysteries within.

Meditation, prayer time, sleep and sheltering are all favored.

Complete daily details for the week:

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Manhattanhenge, New York


It's not Stonehenge but certainly holds a lot of interest. May 28, 29 or 30 is Manhattanhenge which is when sunset aligns on the east-west oriented streets and avenues of Manhattan, New York.

Sunday, May 26, 2024


Jupiter, also known as Jove is the planet that resonates the best of life as
it expands good and eases harshness. Good fortune and opportunity are common factors it generates. The downside is that the expansion can has a tendency to go too far, so indulgence would be where caution should be exercised, otherwise this is an excellent shift for many as it transits for the next year in Gemini beginning on May 25, 2024 until June of 2025.

While in Taurus it led to all manner of activity relating to indulgence as many dived into spending sprees and wild times as if there was no tomorrow which now should begin to settle down in some areas with a shift toward activities relating to communication and networking. Ideas and mental stimulus flows along with utilization of technology with an ability to mentally soar to new heights. Travel is in the mix giving travel industries such as airlines, ships and every way we seek to be on the move will see a boost. Mass transit may excel and be more embraced. Communication can take on a new level of advancement as people are busier reaching out and making connections. It’s good to have plans and ideas about what you want to do as multitasking could get out of hand.  

Gemini is a dual sign (the twins) so focus may be called for as some could become scattered and try to do too much at once. Planning and staying on task will help to make the best of this celestial ray. Options and choices are great except that it may become a quandary as to which, when and how to choose what’s best. There may be choosing to do more than one thing such as activating an avocation along with a career or splitting time between two careers. A hobby might take on a more significant role. Overall, people will be pondering, thinking intensely, and contemplating all avenues of life from daily living to beliefs and higher aspirations. Being on the go and cerebral activity is in high gear. It’s important to find your neich as a way of being grounded. New heights relating to relating to every form of media will unfold. Satellites may be more prominent as they fill the skies.

Knowing where Jupiter travels through your personal chart gives specific information about influence. Here are a few key ideas. 

Friday, May 17, 2024

Updating & Back Online soon

 Getting caught up and back to regular posts by the end of next week. 

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Astrology Brief for April 1-7, 2024 from Sandra Helton©


Mercury is Retrogade in Aries for three weeks along with the Sun also in Aries giving it more than the usuuoal notice due to so much fire element. Words are lightening fast and can spark anywhere depending on you’re sensitive and where it falls in your chart. The usual governing principles apply which is to wait for it o conclude before going forward with major decisions. Be thorough in all done and check messages twice. There’s the impulse to do something out of the ordinary so mark those ideas for future reference. The principles also apply that it’s good to strive organization and repair and upkeep as you can.

This is the last week before the New Moon in Aries on April 8 so the shadow week helps to go within and seek nourishment and solace where as is needed.

  • Monday, April 1, Moon in Capricorn
  • Tuesday, April 2, Moon in Capricorn
  • Wednesday, April 3, Moon in Capricorn/Aquarius
  • Thursday, April 4, Moon in Aquarius
  • Friday, April 5, Moon in Aquarius
  • Saturday, April 6, Moon in Aquarius/Pisces
  • Sunday, April 7, Moon in Pisces

Details of the Moon and other angles throughout each day are on the Patreon site.

On-going Rays:

Right after the New Moon, Venus enters Pisces where it transits until April 30.

Saturn in Pisces brings a slight melancholy undertone to all this creative energy, containing Venus. This transit inspires us to clarify boundaries and expectations in our closest relationships—how do we maintain them with responsibility and commitment?


Key Words:


Strength; originality



Affirmative thought based on current combined celestial energy that reinforces the will:


“I am a strong eternal spirit.”