
Monday, November 21, 2022



This time around as the Sun transits Sagittarius beginning November 22 (2022) the energy has extra boosters and there's a mellow sense of the world. 

Now with Venus and Mercury firmly in Sagittarius the Sun joins them that together bring encouragement regardless of outside circumstances. Higher energies benefit you with awareness and optimism plus hope for a better tomorrow. Sagittarius represents expanding reality perceived through philosophy, learning and connecting to beliefs and as governor of the international scene you’re easily shown perspectives and vistas that call to be explored and experienced.

This next month is a time to embrace your own ideas and dreams that you can begin "now" and build upon going forward.

The weekly astrology series and data is going strong. Each week is the daily details defined of planet, lunar and solar angles with exact times each peaks. They help with planning and understanding what happens around and in society as well as actions and reactions. It's via membership at: