Sessions are by phone, Zoom, or Skype
Information needed for astrology sessions:
Birth Date:
The month, day of the month, and the year.
Please specify in written form the month rather than a number. (Different
countries write out the sequence of month, day and year differently.) Example:
July 2, 1955
Birth Time:
Provide your time of birth specifying A.M.
or P.M. If the time is unknown, sunrise will be used.
Birth Place:
The town or city and state and, if another
country, any specifics of location. If you were born in a small town then also
mention the next nearest larger town and the county so that the correct
longitude and latitude may be known for calculations.
Contact Information:
Provide a telephone number or e-mail address for a way to reach you.
Requested Compensation:
Astrology Consultations: 165 US
Personal Counsel:
Spiritual intuitive counsel is governed by ministry that helps to gain insight about life issues and ways to work toward resolution using Natural Law principles. Free will and choice as personal empowerment is explained. This isn't a psychic reading nor specifically mediumship.
55 for the initial session and 35 for subsequent sessions unless other arrangements are made.
Special Note: Ethically it's inappropriate to offer medical or legal advice or discussion about death.
For further information and to schedule write to: