
Thursday, October 19, 2017

Thomas Edison & Animal Cruelty

Article about Thomas Edison's horrific animal abuse. He was so insane he held public events where he tortured and killed dogs, horses and animals. Not the guy many think. I'll post his astrology chart and analysis soon. Doing a search with his name and animal abuse will provide plenty of validation about his vile acts.

Sorry dk, ran out of space to mention you so you'll have to continue pillaging to have an identity.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Harvest Moon, Asteroid Flyby, and Mars

The Full Moon in Aries on October 5, also called Harvest Moon, producing rare moonbows. For the next two weeks is good for lessening and releasing what you don't want to keep. Clearing, cutting your hair, beginning a diet to lose weight, releasing anything you no longer want in your life, are all good ways to utilize the waning energy of the Moon.
An asteroid (named 2012 TC4) will sweep close to earth around 1:42 AM on October 12 as close as 4,200 miles and our Earth’s gravity will alter its path somewhat. Later, at 3:19 PM it will pass by the Moon. We frequently have flybys though not always this close.
★Those who follow my work know I’ve been discussing the impact of Mars since before the June eclipse and its involvement with it. Usually, Mars energy moves along fast although this time, with the bond to the Sun during the eclipse, it continued and continues to be an influence. For three days in Mid-September, a solar storm made its way t Mars, crossing thresholds of ground-level radiation and producing auroras that rovers and observers have never before seen. It’s more common to happen on Mars because it lacks a magnetic field to protect it as we do on Earth. The field on Mars is 1% as thick as Earth’s. I think that intensified the influence of Mars on us all. It was in Leo until September 5 when it then moved into Virgo where it currently aligns with Venus. This is more soothing to the spirit although the impact of the eclipse that continues cannot be discounted.