
Sunday, October 6, 2024

Astrology Brief for October 7-13, 2024



The Quarter Moon in Capricorn is an open road toward the next Full Moon on October 17 which is an upward swing of energy carrying you through as you work on gaining ground and making headway during this new season. There’s still an emphasis on discovering where you need to be more empowered that has been and is now through communication including listening. The back and forth dialogue in several avenues of life are revealing and helpful to be discerning and make wise decisions. The last day this week Mercury forms a hard aspect to Pluto and then quickly goes into Scorpio where it will be until November 2. Both energies catapult you into a kind of quickening during which you are in discovery mode – not all pleasant though helpful so you know more thoroughly where issues have originated and your own dynamic within those associations. Being in the last degree of Capricorn begins the long duration in Aquarius, Pluto pushes to see and understand what has happened over the last at least 16 years and where you are today. Changes are still beaconing to see with depth and truth. Social media and mainstream news continues to bombard everyone that before the year ends a shift will begin away from blind faith and simply moving along with it all by rote. Once in mid November major changes unfold and while you’ll be called upon to think more for yourself it’s somewhat welcomed as it opens insight where you can more naturally sense truth from fiction and more layers of what’s happening both personally and in the world. Self-assessment is called for now that strengthens your psyche and prepares you for the changes just ahead. You’re finishing up old business and sorting out how you want to go forward.

The detailed daily insight is on Patreon.