
Sunday, May 26, 2024


Jupiter, also known as Jove is the planet that resonates the best of life as
it expands good and eases harshness. Good fortune and opportunity are common factors it generates. The downside is that the expansion can has a tendency to go too far, so indulgence would be where caution should be exercised, otherwise this is an excellent shift for many as it transits for the next year in Gemini beginning on May 25, 2024 until June of 2025.

While in Taurus it led to all manner of activity relating to indulgence as many dived into spending sprees and wild times as if there was no tomorrow which now should begin to settle down in some areas with a shift toward activities relating to communication and networking. Ideas and mental stimulus flows along with utilization of technology with an ability to mentally soar to new heights. Travel is in the mix giving travel industries such as airlines, ships and every way we seek to be on the move will see a boost. Mass transit may excel and be more embraced. Communication can take on a new level of advancement as people are busier reaching out and making connections. It’s good to have plans and ideas about what you want to do as multitasking could get out of hand.  

Gemini is a dual sign (the twins) so focus may be called for as some could become scattered and try to do too much at once. Planning and staying on task will help to make the best of this celestial ray. Options and choices are great except that it may become a quandary as to which, when and how to choose what’s best. There may be choosing to do more than one thing such as activating an avocation along with a career or splitting time between two careers. A hobby might take on a more significant role. Overall, people will be pondering, thinking intensely, and contemplating all avenues of life from daily living to beliefs and higher aspirations. Being on the go and cerebral activity is in high gear. It’s important to find your neich as a way of being grounded. New heights relating to relating to every form of media will unfold. Satellites may be more prominent as they fill the skies.

Knowing where Jupiter travels through your personal chart gives specific information about influence. Here are a few key ideas.