
Sunday, July 21, 2024

Astrology for July 22-28, 2024 ©SandraHelton

Welcome to the land of the lion with all its regal persona and strength. The Sun moves through Leo for the next month triggering your depth of character and truest self. We become ever more aware of our motivations and deep purpose in life that is a core truth regardless of what we do or lifestyle. This is a good cycle to ask yourself who you really are and how you might more so begin to manifest it. Many have abilities and inner truths sitting on the back burner and aspects of their souls that are powerful and authentic. Leo is the core self governing the heart center and character. Currently opposing Pluto the strength of this placement is more intense with personal demands self-imposed. Making decisions is calling. For many, what matters most in life takes on great focus and going along with the crowd or group think doesn’t suffice.