We begin the week and conclude the year with a special Black Moon which is the second
New Moon in a calendar month. It marks special energy of new beginnings and for some is thought to be energetically powerful and even magical. In Capricorn it contributes to the 2025 chart setting a pace for the year ahead. Many are anxious to get the year going and leave the previous behind so welcome new celestial rays that portent opportunity.
Venus moves into Pisces creating a dreamy and lofty vibration that elevates matters of emotion and how we connect to others. Also the looming Mars-Pluto energy is still in effect that can be intense.
plays a significant role for the upcoming year with several planets weaving in
and out of it that leads the higher mind to see beyond the everyday mundane
world. It’s good to stay grounded and focused. 2025 is filled with Pisces
energy that will have many focusing on faith and beliefs in a number of ways.
Some will return o religious roots while others will see value and worth in
various aspects of religions. It’s a year of finishing, completion, and looking
toward the future with idealism and the sense that something extra in the
atmosphere that inspires to look to the future. More people will be open to
their intuitive sense and instinct will be stronger and likely used more. It
will be important to have something to which you are grounded to help you stay
on track as you could be open more so to mystical experiences.