
Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Sin Eaters

 In not so ancient history people hired someone to be a sin eater with the belief that special  food prepared for the purpose of having the “sin eater” consume it that the sins were consumed through the food and the deceased could ascend to heaven. 

Today many believe food prepared by an angry person is unhealthy or toxic which may or may not be true although there is interesting research about the impact on something when negative energy bombards it. Dr Emoto of Japan has done extensive research with profound photographs of water influenced by specific words spoken into it. Words like hate and love significantly change the molecular structure as shown in his book and on his website. If so then it’s worth considering how what you consume may be influenced by specific energy.

The idea of saying a prayer, grace, before a meal can be worth consideration as this usually includes asking the food be blessed.

 People can eat presumed healthy food while some simply eat whatever they’re inclined regardless of health or any other reason that seems to be both effectual and ineffectual. Fads and about food frequently changes and what’s prescribed changes and yet the ideal diet has yet to be determined.

Some types of toxic people include narcissistic, borderline, histrionic, and antisocial personality disorders, bipolar disorder and a long list of unhealthy mental states. That doesn’t mean someone will get sick by eating food prepared by them but potential psychic or emotional links seem to be a form of binding or influence. Clearly eating “healthy” and striving to maintain good nutrition is worthwhile and yet individuals seem to be subject to other factors such as hopefulness, faith and numerous ideologies.