
Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Astrology Brief for September 23-29, 2024


The Lunar Eclipse peaked last week though is still in effect emphasized by the current Quarter Moon in Cancer that creates an inward shift of emotion and overall sensitivity. Mercury, planet of communication has a strong pull toward thinking outside-the-box and also being aware of dynamics that may not be all they seem. You can garner strength and fortitude through objectivity and discernment along the way of interacting with others and encountering situations. A boundary is its own strength.

September 24, 2024

The Quarter Moon in Cancer begins a week of realigning with what matters most to you. Your personal life is a priority and ways to secure and nurture it is important. Some things will be put on a back burner to make room for what you care about and need the most.

September 26

Mercury moves into Libra where for a few weeks you can harmonize and see intricacies in relationships. There are opportunities that make it easy to connect with others and gain ground in groups. A key benefit is having perspective so noting those is very helpful to discern and understand interactive dynamics.