
Sunday, August 6, 2023

August 7-13, 2023, Sandra Helton© A Week of Innovation and Newness


The waning Quarter Moon on Tuesday begins a week of aligning with all you consider order and worthwhile to pursue. Linked with Uranus energy tends toward a sense of excitement though unsure about specifics.

Venus square Uranus on Wednesday creates original thinking with unusual interests and even unexpected experiences.

Throughout the week leading up to the Sun conjunct Venus in Leo on Sunday there’s a pull to explore personal ideals and what you want to express and experience. Artisans are especially influenced this week by these celestial alignments that benefits creating original works and discovering new ways of expression. Socially the time is one for embracing new groups, new interests and going to new places that can be enriching and enjoyable.

Uranus is about the unknown and new and Venus is about passions that together could help to create a simple thing like a new fashion statement or inventing something never before seen. The doors are open for make an original statement based on how much you want to invest your time to manifest it.

Mercury trine Jupiter on Wednesday adds to this and broadens your perspective and ability to connect with ease. This is a good week to network and express your creativity.

Continuing notes of ongoing planet alignments:

Mercury is in Virgo, the sign it rules until October 4 giving ease of the ability to progress in your everyday life, through work and all activities during which you maintain what you’ve built.

Mars transits Virgo until August 27 that stirs all aspects of work forces and challenges higher mindsets. Combined with Mercury in Leo this gives a strong sense of awareness about choices. Both planets bring introspection that along with the 4 Supermoon rays you can learn so much about motivations, your own and others with whom you’re closely connected. Small beginnings and establishing routines goes well and can become an integral part of your life.

  • Monday, August 7, Moon in Aries/Taurus
  • Tuesday, August 8, Moon in Taurus
  • Wednesday, August 9, Moon in Taurus/Gemini
  • Thursday, August 10, Moon in Gemini
  • Friday, August 11, Moon in Gemini/Cancer
  • Saturday, August 12, Moon in Cancer
  • Sunday, August 13, Moon in Cancer


These affirmations are composed based on current celestial placements. As a clinical hypnotherapist I’ve studied writing scripts for clients so the composition is written with the intent to allow connecting with the heavens and expanding awareness to be more in harmony for the highest good. Taking a moment to be still and ideally in a quiet place, or even when going to sleep, the reading or speaking of these may be helpful and benefit your soul journey. Even just seeing it can be beneficial. 

“My spirit of individuality and soul expression springs forth.” 


Innovation; original; revelation; choices


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