
Sunday, August 13, 2023

Astrology - August 14-20, 2023 from Sandra Helton© Leo New Moon


The Leo Sun square Uranus in Taurus on Tuesday can cause a lot of willfulness and

BTW - Leo governs appearance.
taking whatever direction you’re sensitive toward that can range from frustration to antagonism. In “fixed” signs there’s an undercurrent that makes it challenging to settle and remain peaceful. For some there may be nervousness and for others it unsettling interactions with those around them. Anxiousness happens with reactions happening fast so be mindful of impulses so that you can maintain a sense of reason.

This has flexibility due to Mars trine Uranus on the Micro New Moon in Leo day, Wednesday that’s positive energy offering exuberance and enthusiasm. There’s a sense of renewal in the air wherein you may sense something adventurous on the horizon where you could engage.

This lunar renewal can be very personal causing many to focus on their own needs and desires and for you to explore your place in the world is helpful to gain perspective and understand why, how and where you’re fulfilled.

The two full Supermoon’s in August intense energy that has many casting cares to the wind in favor of gratification. Sports events, vacation places, theme parks and concerts are filled that appears almost like a reaction to worr and concern and media overload.

Mars in Virgo seems to be pushing society to go to the limit in a grasping manner caused also by the undercurrent in part due to Pluto having turned retrograde back into Capricorn. The best idea is to pace and be moderate. The two week lunar wax serves you by revealing where to build and why realizing there is a tomorrow.

Continuing notes of ongoing planet alignments:

Mars transits Virgo until August 27 that stirs all aspects of work forces and challenges higher mindsets. Combined with Mercury in Leo this gives a strong sense of awareness about choices. Both planets bring introspection that along with the 4 Supermoon rays you can learn so much about motivations, your own and others with whom you’re closely connected. Small beginnings and establishing routines goes well and can become an integral part of your life.

  • Monday, August 14, Moon in Cancer/Leo
  • Tuesday, August 15, Moon in Leo
  • Wednesday, August 16, Moon in Leo/Virgo
  • Thursday, August 17, Moon in Virgo
  • Friday, August 18. Moon in Virgo
  • Saturday, August 19, Moon in Virgo/Libra
  • Sunday, August 20, Moon in Libra


These affirmations are composed based on current celestial placements. As a clinical hypnotherapist I’ve studied writing scripts for clients so the composition is written with the intent to allow connecting with the heavens and expanding awareness to be more in harmony for the highest good. Taking a moment to be still and ideally in a quiet place, or even when going to sleep, the reading or speaking of these may be helpful and benefit your soul journey. Even just seeing it can be beneficial. 

“I see beyond the immediate and connect to future horizons.” 


Realize; plan; build; grow
