
Sunday, August 27, 2023

Astrology Brief for August 28-September 3, 2023

August has been a busy month with not one but two Super Moon, Mars moving into Libra and Mercury Retrograde. So much has triggered people and the planet making it historical, and these final days is no exception.


Monday begins the week with Uranus Retrograde in Taurus until January 24, 2024 that affects all matters related to money and anything that holds value. There may be intense discussions about the economy and groups will be reviewing their incomes and worth as well as how money is being managed. There was a strange kind of spending spree while in Aries and the same has been happening in Taurus though in retrograde Uranus can cause people to take a second look and have second thoughts. While overtly there’s concern and worry there’s a wave of societal indulgence as if casting cares to the wind. While Mercury retrogrades it may be a good idea to ponder your choices.

On Wednesday the Full Moon in Pisces is the Harvest Moon and also a Blue Moon plus the third of four Supermoon’s in a row that is captivating and holding attention due to the lore and mystery of it. It rides low and should be intense due in part to close proximity to Saturn creating a serious mindset. Your spiritual life is called forth through Pisces that combined with Saturn is about your larger life goal and any sense of being on a mission. Many will feel their own intuition and be more able to tune into numerous aspects of it from simply being attuned to the surroundings and connecting to higher energies and spirit guides. This is a great day for tuning into your innermost self and connecting to other realms for insight and guidance.

Venus turns Direct in Leo on Sunday adding to the ideal perspective of review and self-observation. It aligns with the Mars in Libra reflection to gain greater understanding of choices and desires. You have an opportunity to tap into your creativity that can manifest in many ways.

Continuing Mercury Retrograde in Virgo for three weeks emphasizes staying on track
with all needs and practical matters. The retrograde lasts for three weeks giving you time to restore and revamp as needed and to take a look at your everyday life.

Mars in Libra until October 12 activates all direct relationships and dealing with the public. Libra is about finding harmony through resolution and understanding and recognizing reflective energy. Marriage and close connections including business partnerships are stirred so you may be working through issues and anywhere something has been left faltering. This is partly about give and take and seeing other perspectives.

  • Monday, August 28, Moon in Capricorn/Aquarius; Mercury Retrograde
  • Tuesday, August 29, Moon in Aquarius
  • Wednesday, August 30, Moon in Aquarius/Pisces (Harvest, Blue, Super Moon)
  • Thursday, August 31, Moon in Pisces
  • Friday, September 1, Moon in Pisces/Aries
  • Saturday, September 2, Moon in Aries
  • Sunday, September 3, Moon in Aries/Taurus; Venus Direct


These affirmations are composed based on current celestial placements. As a clinical hypnotherapist I’ve studied writing scripts for clients so the composition is written with the intent to allow connecting with the heavens and expanding awareness to be more in harmony for the highest good. Taking a moment to be still and ideally in a quiet place, or even when going to sleep, the reading or speaking of these may be helpful and benefit your soul journey. Even just seeing it can be beneficial. 

“My purpose and deepest desires shine through into the earthly realm.”


Reflection; emotion; perspective
