
Wednesday, January 10, 2024

The Fear of Journaling & Alternatives


Throughout 2023 the one outstanding aspect for “not” journaling was fear – fear of someone else reading ones innermost thoughts and feelings, fear of talking/writing about experiences and fear across the board about most everything relating to discovery of the true self and authentic feelings. So much truth being oppressed disables potential of every type and might even affect health. Interlopers eavesdropping and invading personal territory cause anguish and it’s that which holds people back from the great therapeutic value of writing out emotions and life experiences. There are solutions such as having an online journal registered in a private name. otherwise, for the brave and adventurous who’ve already begun the journey of expressing authenticity and for the new ones still contemplating it, here’s an alternate idea, not necessarily complete as verbal or written expression but expressive none the less which is including art, photos, quotes and anything that can be added. I have a journal that’s filled with handwritten quotes, sketches and other things like a simple word expressing an emotion, and I also have glued, stapled, and clipped small items. As well, I have envelopes in which I can add collections. Vellum envelopes are clear or frosty are unique. Should things appeal to you that are too big or cumbersome to fit you can collect them sill for your alter and photograph them to include in your journal. In one envelope I have a swatch fabric and I have photos of a collection of tea pots along with the odd and historic. Feathers, pressed flowers and even a packet of dirt from a well purported to have healing properties. Recipes and all manner of heartfelt keepsakes can be added as you’re inclined. Special days as birthdays and days of someone passing create very meaningful “treasure” books. The books can become inheritances for family history or given to a group or church, and especially for sacred circles as part of spiritual ancestry. It can be meaningful at some point to burn a journal to release its energy that will go into another dimension. History is up to you and your collection becomes your own artistic expression. The journals shouldn’t be burdens and can be once a year with a burning ritual as each year ends that releases the energy. People are known to participate in burning bowl rituals where they write what they want to shed. Journals should ideally give acknowledgement of relevance. Many inventors, artists and creators began with the simple process of jotting down their ideas thoughts.