
Sunday, January 21, 2024

Astrology Brief for January 22-28, 2024 from Sandra Helton©

Until Thursday when the Moon is full in Leo (12:54 PM ET) are good days to complete tasks and
begin to wrap up everything so you moving under the rays of growth. The Leo Full Moon, sometime called the Wolf Moon, helps in numerous areas of life with the foundation being about your own strengths and abilities so fortifying your intentions work well. Areas of life governed by Leo are children that can bring you more into their life and they gravitate more to you; matters of the heart which is romance, love affairs and all things you’re drawn to such as ways you fulfill your hearts desires that could be music, art, and anything providing enjoyment; your creative spirit so artisans are especially driven during this time. Tapping into the Leo realm can bring rewards. Once the Moon is full it’s time to rest and review your handiwork and where you’ve planted seeds.

Venus enters Capricorn on Tuesday where it will be until February 16 that benefits businesses, corporations and even nations and their leaders with greater harmony and an easier time. Comradery grows as people find common ground to bond and work together. Personal areas of life such as where you have closeness and love becomes more pragmatic and logic takes precedence. You can see your way to settle contention and regain peace and order for yourself.

The Aquarian Sun squares Jupiter on Saturday cautioning to consider carefully investments and to take a conservative approach to spending as something may appear to be a good deal and turn out to be a disappointment. Monetary matters can go awry. Generosity is lost so expect to coast and wait for a better time to indulge.

Also on Saturday Mercury and Mars conjunct in Capricorn creating a stirring of the masses where there’s likely much talk and a flurry of activity. People want to connect, travel and network. You may feel enthusiastic and eager to get going or reach out. This can facilitate alignment for groups that helps to get them underway. This can for many just cause talkativeness but if you have something in mind you’d like to accomplish you’re helped along. Writing is also boosted.

Sunday is a busy day celestially with three major planet angles. Venus sextile Saturn is a nice workable energy for pulling together groups, family and anywhere you want order and a working cohesiveness. Plans of any nature can work out well and you can progress creatively and socially.

Venus also trines Jupiter that aligns very well with the sextile and helps to grow and expand where you wish. Friendliness and love abound and you can easily connect harmoniously in social areas and through love. If you want to nourish a relationship or cultivate your personal connections this helps.

Mercury trine Uranus also happening Saturday is terrific for all forms of communication. From simple texting to formal contracts this ray is helpful for having insight and new ways to go about it all. Surprises and even revelations can happen. You’re encouraged to think originally.

On-going energy:

Pluto now in Aquarius is a major influence and long haul of challenging the world at large to be more clearly defined ranging from sorting through individual stance to moving into herd mentality as the path of least resistance. Being your own person and thinking for yourself is the ideal though a greater push is unfolding to pull people into groups and specific lanes. Some will blame AI (artificial intelligence) which is ruled by Aquarius though that isn’t the true reality as it’s more about “influences” to positively align with like minds and also attempts to pull people into group agendas. Stepping back from that idea, thinking for yourself and exercising your wisdom will help you decide where you best align.

Mars is in Capricorn remains until February 13 providing tenacity and the ability to be thorough and persistent as needed. Major projects benefit from this reliable energy and you can build where you need from small tasks, beginning personal maintenance for health, exercise and where you want to build strength and stamina.

  • Monday, January 22, Moon in Gemini/Cancer
  • Tuesday, January 23, Moon in Cancer
  • Wednesday, January 24, Moon in Cancer
  • Thursday, January 25, Moon in Cancer/Leo
  • Friday, January 26, Moon in Leo
  • Saturday, January 27, Moon in Leo/Virgo
  • Sunday, January 28, Moon in Virgo


These affirmations are composed based on current celestial placements. As a clinical hypnotherapist I’ve studied writing scripts so the composition is written with the intent to allow connecting with the heavens and expanding awareness to be more in harmony for the highest good. Taking a moment to be still and ideally in a quiet place, or even when going to sleep, the reading or speaking of these may be helpful and benefit your soul journey. Even just seeing it can be beneficial.

“I am amazingly accomplished.”


Complete; revelation; growth


In-depth daily details are on the Patreon site: