
Sunday, January 14, 2024

Astrology Brief for January 15-21, 2024 - Powerful Energy comes Home to Roost from Sandra Helton©

Already, before the actual date of the solar eclipse in April, the Sun is showing its power asit will throughout the year.

On Monday the Sun sextile Neptune enhances everyone’s intuition that resonates through the week with stronger awareness and creativity manifesting in a number of ways as artisans hatch new ideas and all seeing more clearly the unspoken word, the feelings and even for some sensing motivations of others. Society is plugged into the higher realm of Neptune. Dreams may be stronger along with your ability of psychic perception and tuning to the spirit realm.

Wednesday’s Quarter Moon in Aries is part of the trigger point of the upcoming solar eclipse that is a marker of energy directly active until the Full Moon in Leo on February 25. This is positively aligned with the celestial dynamics during the week making your efforts more likely to begin to grow and come to fruition. Ideas are very worth the time to consider.

Mercury sextile Saturn on Thursday helps to organize information and all forms of necessary work and also it’s easier to organize your mind. Plans and goals are easily put into place for action.

Mercury trine Jupiter on Friday is super! All forms of communication is bolstered in a good way so reaching out to others and declarations are strong and worth the effort. Mental capacity expands and thoughts grow making this great for visualization and taking action to improve your life. Connectedness is ever growing as is support of one another.

Saturday is a big day launching massive rays through the Sun entering Aquarius conjunct Pluto that carries forward throughout the year. Many will respond to this by settling within their own feelings and views about the world and many will dive deeper into already cultivated thoughts making more intense societal structures, both positive and challenging. There can be stronger definitions of where one stands as that can go either way depending on motivation. For some division increases and for others there’s more unity through greater definition and needs to align.

This next month while the Sun is in Aquarius people are more aware and sensitive to societal prodding and also more aware of individual needs to think about plans for the future. You may want to develop more alignment for your goals and strive to be more definitive of your beliefs and place in the world.

Pluto now in Aquarius is a major influence and long haul of challenging the world at large to be more clearly defined ranging from sorting through individual stance to moving into herd mentality as the path of least resistance. Being your own person and thinking for yourself is the ideal though a greater push is unfolding to pull people into groups and specific lanes. Some will blame AI (artificial intelligence) which is ruled by Aquarius though that isn’t the true reality as it’s more about “influences” to positively align with like minds and also attempts to pull people into group agendas. Stepping back from that idea, thinking for yourself and exercising your wisdom will help you decide where you best align.

On-going energy:

Mars is in Capricorn remains until February 13 providing tenacity and the ability to be thorough and persistent as needed. Major projects benefit from this reliable energy and you can build where you need from small tasks, beginning personal maintenance for health, exercise and where you want to build strength and stamina.

  • Monday, January 15, Moon in Pisces/Aries
  • Tuesday, January 16, Moon in Aries
  • Wednesday, January 17, Moon in Aries
  • Thursday, January 18, Moon in Aries/Taurus
  • Friday, January 19, Moon in Taurus
  • Saturday, January 20, Moon in Taurus/Gemini
  • Sunday, January 21, Moon in Gemini


These affirmations are composed based on current celestial placements. As a clinical hypnotherapist I’ve studied writing scripts so the composition is written with the intent to allow connecting with the heavens and expanding awareness to be more in harmony for the highest good. Taking a moment to be still and ideally in a quiet place, or even when going to sleep, the reading or speaking of these may be helpful and benefit your soul journey. Even just seeing it can be beneficial. 

“I align with discernment and wholeness.”


Independence; perspective; insight


In-depth daily details are on the Patreon site: