
Sunday, January 28, 2024

Astrology Brief for January 29-February 4, 2024 from Sandra Helto


This is an interesting week as we roll into February that brings numerous types of holidays and also a leap day, February 29 that occurs once every four years to adjust the calendar timeline. February 10 is the Lunar New Year of the Wood Dragon followed by Mardi Gras on February 13 and Valentine’s Day February 14. One way or the other millions of people will be celebrating various aspects of culture and beliefs setting a pace as we move toward spring and continue to forge ahead into the year. So many around the world feel duress and anguish about the future and yet strive to keep moving forward as best as possible. Celestially a part of this intensity is due to the newness of Pluto in Aquarius that adds pressure on the status quo to in some way uproot and/or change. Being stuck in economic circumstances leaves many blank as to how to make changes when against the wall financially and otherwise. Aquarius affects all, being a global influence and especially so regarding society which is why in part social media is important to so many and also the intensity of news outlets making so many twists and turns that too many are left with confusion and greatly in need of clarity and reason. Saturn, which is structure and foundation, is current in Pisces that can add shade to everything calling for the need to exercise discernment and stretch to think intuitively in seeking truth. Faith that is Pisces ruled is greatly called for now that’s obscured by Saturn plus Pluto in Aquarius. Life isn’t simple or clear and when economic and social shifts occur which they are now people are tossed around on a long road like a high wind pushing everyone. It’s as if there was an unexpected turn leading to suddenly being in a demolition derby. Many haven’t gotten their sea legs from the pandemic that’s been a struggle due to worry of another onslaught of lockdown. Pandemics fall under the rulership of Neptune and Saturn in Neptune specifically rules that. Saturn will be in Pisces overall until 2026 – more about that in an upcoming article. For now, you’re between that and Pluto which explain the literal and sense of dire straits.

Taking a day at a time, and here a week at a time, beginning Monday Mars trine Uranus is great for garnering energy to get moving and take the initiative. Being innovative can work well so paying attention to inspiration and ideas can be rewarding. This is great for setting a pace relating to a goal.

Mercury sextile Neptune this Friday lends insight and depth to everything as well as increasing creativity. The imagination is strong and being able to perceive energy around you is easy. This is a nice time to tap into your inner thoughts and feelings for intuitive information.

On-going energy:

Venus enters Capricorn today where it will be until February 16 that benefits businesses, corporations and even nations and their leaders with greater harmony and an easier time. Comradery grows as people find common ground to bond and work together. Personal areas of life such as where you have closeness and love become more pragmatic; logic takes precedence. You can see your way to settle contention and regain peace and order for yourself.

Pluto now in Aquarius is a major influence and long haul of challenging the world at large to be more clearly defined ranging from sorting through individual stance to moving into herd mentality as the path of least resistance. Being your own person and thinking for yourself is the ideal though a greater push is unfolding to pull people into groups and specific lanes. Some will blame AI (artificial intelligence) which is ruled by Aquarius though that isn’t the true reality as it’s more about “influences” to positively align with like minds and also attempts to pull people into group agendas. Stepping back from that idea, thinking for yourself and exercising your wisdom will help you decide where you best align.

Mars is in Capricorn remains until February 13 providing tenacity and the ability to be thorough and persistent as needed. Major projects benefit from this reliable energy and you can build where you need from small tasks, beginning personal maintenance for health, exercise and where you want to build strength and stamina.

  • Monday, January 29, Moon in Virgo
  • Tuesday, January 30, Moon in Virgo/Libra
  • Wednesday, January 31, Moon in Libra
  • Thursday, February 1, Moon in Libra/Scorpio
  • Friday, February 2, Moon in Scorpio
  • Saturday, February 3, Moon in Scorpio
  • Sunday, February 4, Moon in Scorpio/Sagittarius


These affirmations are composed based on current celestial placements. As a clinical hypnotherapist I’ve studied writing scripts so the composition is written with the intent to allow connecting with the heavens and expanding awareness to be more in harmony for the highest good. Taking a moment to be still and ideally in a quiet place, or even when going to sleep, the reading or speaking of these may be helpful and benefit your soul journey. Even just seeing it can be beneficial. 

“Realization of my highest potential is clear.”


Realize; prioritize; vigor


In-depth daily details with precise times including the Moon are on the Patreon site: