
Sunday, October 8, 2023

Astrology Brief October 9-15, 2023 / Libra Solar Eclipse & Mars in Scorpio

We move to the New Moon on Saturday coinciding with the Solar Eclipse in Libra so until then is great for finishing up tasks and finalizing energies you want to put to rest before beginning anew and fully immersed in eclipse rays.

Pluto is direct beginning Tuesday in Capricorn where it is until the end of the year and then moves once again into Aquarius. During these months that is was retrograde in Capricorn there was continual unsettled activity within governments and all aspects of association as well as the same for corporations.

Venus opposite Saturn on Tuesday can cause a stall or challenge for personal relationships and where you want to maintain connections socially. This can dull the senses relating to creativity so take time to coast and regroup slowly. Patience may be needed.

Mars moves into Scorpio Thursday remaining there until November 12 which is a somewhat compatible placement as Mars once ruled Scorpio before Pluto was discovered and took over its domain. It’s good to allow yourself time to ponder deeper thoughts and feelings as the energy helps to tap into those inner recesses and the shadow self. Interesting ideas and occurrences unfold.

Friday the Thirteenth brings Mars trine Saturn that’s a stabilizer for moods and helps to ground and advance with sure-footing. Something can take root to carry you forward. Take time to consider what’s meaningful so that you can establish it to your advantage.

The Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Libra occurs at 1:55 PM launching a powerful time for seeing others perspectives and having needed enlightenment. Libra governs all types of direct relationships such as marriage and partnerships that will be sensitized and any issues and needs brought forward. You may spend the next few months sorting through interactive dynamics.

Ongoing transits of note:

Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus lasts until December 30 offering for many a reprieve plus it gives you an opportunity to reset your financial clocks and plans. As the planet of abundance you may restore and refine the past as it relates to what you hold valuable. This time is nice for delving into your sense of yourself and how you hold to personal worth and self-esteem. Taking time to contemplate the meaning of life as aspirations likely will yield “valuable” results. Globally the world will be in a kind of financial flux that is informative as it relates to the economy, stocks, incomes and all matters of money exchange. What has been progress and growth may need refining or reviewed to remain solvent going forward.

  • Monday, October 9, Moon in Leo
  • Tuesday, October 10, Moon in Leo/Virgo
  • Wednesday, October 11, Moon in Virgo
  • Thursday, October 12, Moon in Virgo/Libra
  • Friday, October 13, Moon in Libra
  • Saturday, October 14, Moon in Libra
  • Sunday, October 15, Moon in Libra/Scorpio


These affirmations are composed based on current celestial placements. As a clinical hypnotherapist I’ve studied writing scripts so the composition is written with the intent to allow connecting with the heavens and expanding awareness to be more in harmony for the highest good. Taking a moment to be still and ideally in a quiet place, or even when going to sleep, the reading or speaking of these may be helpful and benefit your soul journey. Even just seeing it can be beneficial. 

“I see directly and clearly the world around me that sheds greater perspectives.” 


Connect; relate; copasetic; harmonize
