
Sunday, October 1, 2023

Astrology Brief for October 2-8, 2023 from Sandra Helton©

Leading the way this week is Mercury that opposes Neptune on Monday, trines Pluto on Tuesday and moves from Virgo into Libra on Wednesday where it remains until October 22. Going full force it has significant impact regarding all communication from simple texting to formal contracts. In the last degrees of Virgo there’s a lot of attention not just on what’s said but also on what’s done. Actions are noticed, weighed and measured for truth and authenticity. The opposition to Neptune is about aspects of deception that include beguilement, becoming lost in word or deed and misunderstanding. The trine to Pluto on Tuesday gives strength and can empower you to take a stand and be strong in your convictions. While in Libra there’s major emphasis on interactions and all the give and take in relationships as well as dynamics in all partnerships and business. The public more easily chimes in with scrutiny and forms of idealism. The Mercury in Libra cycle is strong on scrutiny and calls for discernment.

Very strong energy comes in from Mars square Pluto on Sunday that has the week and into next Monday energized with intense rays that can go in more than one direction so it’s good to be aware and cautious. If you suspect volatile circumstances than ensure you are well away from entanglements. Intensity is the key energy.

Sunday brings Venus in Virgo where it transits until November 9 helping to mellow the work place and find time during your daily routine to enjoy life a bit more. You see the value in leisure time that is also nourishing as well as enjoyable. Business trends have a more easygoing focus and nice productions result.

Ongoing transits of note:

Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus lasts until December 30 offering for many a reprieve plus it gives you an opportunity to reset your financial clocks and plans. As the planet of abundance you may restore and refine the past as it relates to what you hold valuable. This time is nice for delving into your sense of yourself and how you hold to personal worth and self-esteem. Taking time to contemplate the meaning of life as aspirations likely will yield “valuable” results. Globally the world will be in a kind of financial flux that is informative as it relates to the economy, stocks, incomes and all matters of money exchange. What has been progress and growth may need refining or reviewed to remain solvent going forward.

Mars in Libra until October 12 activates all direct relationships and dealing with the public. Libra is about finding harmony through resolution and understanding and recognizing reflective energy. Marriage and close connections including business partnerships are stirred so you may be working through issues and anywhere something has been left faltering. This is partly about give and take and seeing other perspectives.

  • Monday, October 2, Moon in Taurus
  • Tuesday, October 3, Moon in Taurus/Gemini
  • Wednesday, October 4, Moon in Gemini
  • Thursday, October 5, Moon in Gemini/Cancer
  • Friday, October 6, Moon in Cancer
  • Saturday, October 7, Moon in Cancer/Leo
  • Sunday, October 8, Moon in Leo


These affirmations are composed based on current celestial placements. As a clinical hypnotherapist I’ve studied writing scripts so the composition is written with the intent to allow connecting with the heavens and expanding awareness to be more in harmony for the highest good. Taking a moment to be still and ideally in a quiet place, or even when going to sleep, the reading or speaking of these may be helpful and benefit your soul journey. Even just seeing it can be beneficial. 

“Everyday life takes on a rosy mellow hue of comfort and wellbeing.” 


Listen; express; easement; observe
