
Sunday, October 29, 2023

Astrology Brief for October 30-November 5, 2023 from Sandra Helton©

A good week for delving into your magical abilities. 

Active right now is Venus currently in Virgo that trines Uranus on Tuesday and opposes Neptune on Friday creating a beguiling though untrustworthy energy calling for objectivity and a watchful eye so as to avoid misunderstanding or being led in a wrong direction. The trine of Venus to Uranus certainly helps to be innovative and unique in your approach to life and if creative then you’re helped much. Much can catch your attention and hold you entranced that on Friday with the opposition to Neptune can be equally as beguiling though not in the best way. Someone may seem ideal or a social circumstance may draw your attention for the wrong reasons. Not all is as it appears so the more you want to invest time, energy or commitment the more it’s good to go slow and let these rays pass before going forward.

Saturn in Pisces slows to a standstill as it begins moving direct on Saturday. Many unknowns and obscure feelings begin to unfold with more insight and understanding. Many people from near to worldwide have been asking questions as to why certain things are happening and have sought answers to no avail. The “why” of life seems to have slipped into obscurity but the veil is lifting and intuitive instincts will prove right while what has been covert or hidden comes to light. Matters relating to career, your established life, and factors you consider reliable are slightly influx and need review before fully proceeding forward with important decisions.

The lunar wane is part of the eclipse that peaked October 28 in Taurus as it continues to be influential for the rest of 2023. This relates to money, income, all you consider valuable, and the tangible world needing adjustments. Within, you’re called to ponder what you feel is valuable to you so aligning with your values and life principles is likely to be helpful in a number of ways.

The Quarter Moon in Leo on Sunday is active energy until the next New Moon on November 13. The Quarter Moon chart has three challenging angles of the Moon square the Sun, square Mars and square Uranus, all of which cautions to take your time and avoid risks. It’s good to take your time on the road, during all travel, when interacting to anyone who seems volatile and also it’s good to keep a distance where something appears out of control or unpredictable. This can cause edginess and stress so plan time for options and latitude.

Ongoing (archived) transits of note:

The Sun in Scorpio for the next month promotes self-awareness and diving deep into not just your own psyche but all happening around you and across the world. It’s a time of pondering with added perception that provides greater insight than usual.

The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on October 28 has been building energy for the last two weeks since the Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse in Scorpio and will be active for at least three weeks and maybe longer which is about recognizing how you’ve established your world, especially relating to money and financial security. What you value looms heavily and can be a prominent energy you may need to address. What you value is a worthwhile study to more so understand its purpose and meaning in your life.

Pluto is direct in Capricorn where it is until the end of the year and then moves once again into Aquarius. During these months that is was retrograde in Capricorn there was continual unsettled activity within governments and all aspects of association as well as the same for corporations.

Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus lasts until December 30 offering for many a reprieve plus it gives you an opportunity to reset your financial clocks and plans. As the planet of abundance you may restore and refine the past as it relates to what you hold valuable. This time is nice for delving into your sense of yourself and how you hold to personal worth and self-esteem. Taking time to contemplate the meaning of life as aspirations likely will yield “valuable” results. Globally the world will be in a kind of financial flux that is informative as it relates to the economy, stocks, incomes and all matters of money exchange. What has been progress and growth may need refining or reviewed to remain solvent going forward.

  • Monday, October 30, Moon in Taurus/Gemini
  • Tuesday, October 31, Moon in Gemini
  • Wednesday, November 1, Moon in Gemini/Cancer
  • Thursday, November 2, Moon in Cancer
  • Friday, November 3, Moon in Cancer
  • Saturday, November 4, Moon in Cancer/Leo
  • Sunday, November 5, Moon in Leo


These affirmations are composed based on current celestial placements. As a clinical hypnotherapist I’ve studied writing scripts so the composition is written with the intent to allow connecting with the heavens and expanding awareness to be more in harmony for the highest good. Taking a moment to be still and ideally in a quiet place, or even when going to sleep, the reading or speaking of these may be helpful and benefit your soul journey. Even just seeing it can be beneficial. 

“I affirm my outer life as aligned with my ideal.” 


Foundation; solid; insight
