
Sunday, July 16, 2023

Astrology for July 17-23, 2023 from Sandra Helton©


The New Moon in Cancer on Monday is a strong and positive beginning that’s ongoing growth until the next Full Supermoon on August 1. You may gain a lot of ground and accomplish much with a few exceptions relating to how you choose to connect since Mercury is square Jupiter and the Moon opposes Pluto that’s about awareness as it relates to values and personal truths.

The Sun trine Neptune on Thursday aids being able to tune into your surroundings and others feelings to a great degree. This is ideal for creativity and greater understanding. There’s also a deep ability to connect with nature.

You may feel setback and limitations could arise causing frustration and inability to freely move ahead as you’d like due to Mars square Saturn on Thursday so strive to work with what is in the moment  and allow time to pass with the realization that the heavens are aligned to help you visualize better days to come.

The Sun opposite Pluto on Friday adds to the intensity of certain realities. Tapping into your convictions and beliefs helps to feel secure and focused rather than being jolted or surprised by others actions or attitudes. Some people are aggressive and overly assumptive that can be an issue. This isn’t a time to engage with a war.

On Saturday Venus retrogrades in Leo that explains the recent Sag-AFTRA strike of actors and others in the field of film and entertainment. Venus is the arts and Leo governs entertainment so the strike reflects cosmic influence that is growing into several areas of the industry influenced by Mars in Virgo. Better working conditions, rightful pay and numerous other requests are proposed that are likely to be honored in the end. Thousands are workers that aren’t famous or wealthy are affected. This energy can affect other fields where there’s a breakdown between corporate heads and the workforce such as theme parks, ways people go about activities to relax and even public parks and anywhere groups gather; music venues, other venues for ceremonies and places where children gather. There are numerous related areas that will need to regroup and realign.

Mars stirs people and corporations to go through overhauls. The powerful disconnect between everyday life and executives is challenging shown by Neptune that can be powerfully creative and on the downside delusional. Classic business acumen is lacking causing chaos through Pluto. This is where we are during the current months. It seems there’s no rhyme or reason for conditions to be as they are, and yet it’s happening. You might notice many businesses are experiencing unsettled energy. When researching this potential reality I ran across an article, among many about the chaos that a Dunkin’ Donut shop was in turmoil because when the morning shift arrived there were no donuts. Humorous yet a bit insane which is what many sectors of society experience as part of the disconnect.  

Personally, as stated, it’s good to remain focused and clear about your beliefs so that you have an anchor to keep you grounded should unsettled energy happen around you.

Continuing notes of ongoing planet alignments:

Mars transits Virgo until August 27 that stirs all aspects of work forces and challenges higher mindsets. Combined with Mercury in Leo this gives a strong sense of awareness about choices. Both planets bring introspection that along with the Supermoon ray you can learn so much about motivations, your own and others with whom you’re closely connected. Small beginnings and establishing routines goes well and can become an integral part of your life.

  • Monday, July 17, Moon in Cancer
  • Tuesday, July 18, Moon in Cancer/Leo
  • Wednesday, July 19, Moon in Leo
  • Thursday, July 20, Moon in Leo/Virgo
  • Friday, July 21, Moon in Virgo
  • Saturday, July 22, Moon in Virgo; Sun in Leo
  • Sunday, July 23, Moon in Virgo/Libra


These affirmations are composed based on current celestial placements. As a clinical hypnotherapist I’ve studied writing scripts for clients so the composition is written with the intent to allow connecting with the heavens and expanding awareness to be more in harmony for the highest good. Taking a moment to be still and ideally in a quiet place, or even when going to sleep, the reading or speaking of these may be helpful and benefit your soul journey. Even just seeing it can be beneficial. 

“My heart energy ideally leads me toward peace and resolution.” 


Resolve; growth; advance; organize; rethink
