★★We’re already in the month of March and that old adage, “Beware the ides of March” just may fit the unfolding energy afoot. Due to shifts of planets and the influence of two eclipses, the first eclipse being on March 15 and the second March 29 as well as Mercury retrograde there’s much to unpack. The eclipse energies are influencing how people manage the most internal aspects of life in relation to the outer world that is always attempting to influence through dramatic attention. One example is the reality of bias and invasion of AI (Aquarius ruled) that easily distorts what is seen and heard. All of these challenge concepts of truth while everyone strives to maintain a sense of self and understanding. There was a time that the idea when society relied on newspapers, then also radio (both Mercury ruled) and then the addition of television (Neptune ruled) to report facts. Now, with the advent of the Internet, so called news is a runaway train or more like perpetual rockets blasting off in many directions. It’s easier to pick a lane of comfort that can be strengthening though it has too often led to societal separation. There was a time when religion was a source of contention as well as the generality of politics and now ideas and beliefs about life itself has entered the arena of what’s considered fact and important. The planet Neptune has, as do all planets, two sides – a higher and lower octave and currently in its ruling sign of Pisces is strong yet other influences such as Saturn transiting Pisces there’s struggle to maintain an ease of perception. Pisces is the subconscious, confinement relating to major institutions such as prisons and universities, the fields of acting and religion and much more. Much takes on a personal application that causes distortion and going deep into beliefs that therefore creates intensity. Mercury begins moving through Aries that during the week will sextile Pluto which gives strength and power to all the ways everyone communicates. For those inclined to impulsivity this may lead to taking a stand even if that position furthers separation. The eclipse axis has been pushing many in that direction and yet the actual cause may not be addressed before decisions are made including judgments. Idealism is one of the core principles based on a need to believe for its own sake. For some it’s “right fighting” and for others it’s a need for fulfillment through belief.
Sandra Helton - Astrology consultations; Personal Intuitive Counsel. Astrology sessions include future cycles. Available via phone. Graduate of Astrology Dynamics founded by Sybil Leek; columnist / astrologer for Shirley MacLaine (20yrs); Paranormal insights; Articles & Commentary