
Monday, September 16, 2024

A Lunar Eclipse, Supermoon, Harvest Moon and the Autumn Equinox

 Astrology Details for September 16-22, 2024        


The Sun and Mercury play important roles in this week’s energy as they both make pivotal angles of influence. The Sun in Virgo trine Uranus and Pluto plus opposing Neptune is dynamic in that the impetus to make decisions and desire to take significant action is strong. Society and the collective consciousness moves in a kind of unison while individually each feels drawn to be part of it while simultaneously acting independently, all the while linked to the cosmos. The compelling urge is there across the board even when choosing to avoid or embrace it. Contemplation and meditation upon these higher energies is extending awareness resulting in more doors open for moving in unison with a higher order. A trine of the Sun in Virgo to Uranus in Taurus benefits unique perspectives and the trine to Pluto in the last degree of Capricorn is an almost breathless urge to take the initiative to rebirth some aspect of your life. All this is in the earth element that’s a more ominous sense of need and the flow of support for manifesting. The Virgo Sun opposing Neptune in Pisces calls for giving careful thought to the nebulous and unclear so you can remain grounded in reality. This can benefit your spirit self making it easy to attune to higher realms and commune within your beliefs. The week is wonderful for exploring dreams, aspirations and your inner psyche.  Mercury angles help with this and also calls for discernment in all matters.

Happy Autumn Equinox!

The Sun enters Libra September 22, making the day the beginning of a new season and new energy relating to refinement of your life overall. Many will celebrate through ritual, meditation and other activities to honor nature and this turning point for our home planet. For the next month there is striving toward understanding others and seeing the dynamics in relationships including any association you might have with the public. Social media and news will be very busy trying to keep up with all that occurs from now on and into October.

The Sun moving from pragmatic Virgo to a higher echelon of Libra calls for discernment and understanding the ways you’re connected to other people and significant others. The give and take of relationships looms large as does any relationship you have with the public. Realizing and refining those dynamics is strengthening. Here in the Northern Hemisphere it’s the Autumn (Fall) Equinox that is a balance of night and day as its half way between summer and winter.

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

 peaks on September 17, is also known as the Harvest Moon. It’s another Supermoon because it’s one of four Supermoons in a row. The eclipse of this Moon is mysterious and mystical especially in Pisces that opens doors of greater perception and possibly other realms. You might ask yourself, what are you harvesting? It’s good to have gathered and collected what you want to sustain for the months ahead and at the time of this peak is beneficial to reflect and contemplate your life as it relates to what you have that you value and wish to keep. In history it was a time to stock pantries and store goods. Animals have grown and many now are on their own, crops are harvested and life has settled into a routine of sustainability. Aligned with Neptune this creates an opening veil between the earth plane and other realms as well and it sensitizes you with greater insight.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Astrology for September 9-15, 2024



Energy grows and Jupiter helps to manifest more positivity blessings and opportunity. Mercury in Virgo encourages communication and gaining ground where needed making it easier to take steps forward. This is a good week to think about your needs and wants so you can line them up and get going or at least plant seeds in an affirmative direction. The week builds to a really nice energy on Sunday, Venus trine Jupiter, which is a mellow and encouraging vibration lending ways to grow inner peace and make beneficial connections of like-mind. For those inclined, intellectual pursuits benefit as does all forms of creativity. Socializing is great although the angle generously helps roaming through your artistic abilities and being creative even in small ways such as tweaking a recipe. Time spent enjoying solace is valuable. It’s easier to be more visionary and optimistic.


Monday, September 2, 2024

Astrology Brief for September 2-8, 2024


The week and month of September is off to a good start with the New Moon and is part of the energy of the upcoming lunar eclipse energy on September 17. It’s as if something’s in the air motivating you to lineup your needs and wants and get going.

Mars, planet of action is a strong ray that pivots you either in a new direction or ushers you forward with those aspects of your life you consider most important.

Pragmatism plays a strengthening factor helping you to build and make headway with emphasis on structuring your lifestyle and choices. Conscious decisions are empowered so planning and initiating priorities can go well. Making lists and taking new steps is worthwhile.