
Sunday, December 10, 2023

Astrology Brief for December 11-17, 2023 from Sandra Helton©


The New Moon in Sagittarius and Mercury Retrograde this week sets a good part of the pace for the upcoming year. You can gain and accomplish much toward planning and putting into place ideals and goals.

Mercury sexile Venus on Monday benefits forming harmony and alliances socially and for romance. You can establish positive relationships and expand your network of people and places in a good way. The key is harmony.

On Tuesday the New Moon begins two weeks of building energy during which you can stockpile what you want to have with you as you move into 2024. Ideas, goals and specific restructuring can be like a treasure chest from which to draw.

Mercury Retrograde from Wednesday until January 1, 2024 in Capricorn is a time to review and evaluate how you’ve structured you life including foundations of security, career and where you depend on reliability as an ongoing factor. Dynamics of a retrograde are in effect such as the need to be thorough with communication and travel. Ensure notes, letters and contracts are in good order and that you understand ramifications. Plan extra time when traveling in the event of delays, detours and schedule changes. Basically, cover your bases during this three week cycle. Major beginnings are best planned before or after this.

On Saturday the Sun square Neptune brings in the need to be thorough and cautious. All may not be as it appears, words may not be forthright and there could be hidden agendas, all of which could through you off course and cause problems that will need sorting out. Convolution and confusion are signals that you may want to hold off on commitments or accepting anything at face value.

  • Monday, December 11, Moon in Scorpio/Sagittarius
  • Tuesday, December 12, Moon in Sagittarius
  • Wednesday, December 13, Moon in Sagittarius/Capricorn
  • Thursday, December 14, Moon in Capricorn
  • Friday, December 15, Moon in Capricorn/Aquarius
  • Saturday, December 16, Moon in Aquarius

Sunday, December 17, Moon in Aquarius/Pisces

Ongoing (archived) transits of note:

Pluto is direct in Capricorn where it is until the end of the year and then moves once again into Aquarius. During these months that is was retrograde in Capricorn there was continual unsettled activity within governments and all aspects of association as well as the same for corporations.

Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus lasts until December 30 offering for many a reprieve plus it gives you an opportunity to reset your financial clocks and plans. As the planet of abundance you may restore and refine the past as it relates to what you hold valuable. This time is nice for delving into your sense of yourself and how you hold to personal worth and self-esteem. Taking time to contemplate the meaning of life as aspirations likely will yield “valuable” results. Globally the world will be in a kind of financial flux that is informative as it relates to the economy, stocks, incomes and all matters of money exchange. What has been progress and growth may need refining or reviewed to remain solvent going forward.


These affirmations are composed based on current celestial placements. As a clinical hypnotherapist I’ve studied writing scripts so the composition is written with the intent to allow connecting with the heavens and expanding awareness to be more in harmony for the highest good. Taking a moment to be still and ideally in a quiet place, or even when going to sleep, the reading or speaking of these may be helpful and benefit your soul journey. Even just seeing it can be beneficial. 

“I am clear about my choices and decisions.” 


Perspective; observant; methodical


In-depth daily details are on the Patreon site: