
Sunday, April 23, 2023

Astrology for April 24-30, 2023© Sandra Helton

As April closes we may pause to review, although the flurry of celestial activity is still in effect that this week has two major angles that help sort through what has unfolded so far.

On Tuesday the Taurus Sun is sextile Saturn in Pisces that’s not only positive itself but also the elements Taurus being earth and Pisces being water also creates a blend of positivity and comfort. You can find beneficial ways to center and ground.

The Quarter Moon in Leo on Thursday can feel intense due to the fixed fire sign of Leo pushing you to see where you need to establish some type of order relating to your personal strengths and ideals.

The second major angle is on Saturday which is Mars in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus in two harmonious elements, Cancer being water and Taurus is earth that further helps to harmonize your energy for a nice way to balance and manage your life.

Mercury is still retrograde in Taurus until May 14 creating a need to focus on monetary matters and your inner sense of worth and how you value aspects of your life depending on where the retrograde has landed in your birth chart. It’s more influential because of its close alignment with the recent hybrid solar eclipse.

The energy of April rolls into May and June so the time is right to get a handle on your current path. Decisions are in part ruled by Mercury and also Mars that can seem complex but you now have the week to rethink, regroup and refine them.

  • Monday, April 24, Moon in Gemini/Cancer
  • Tuesday, April 25, Moon in Cancer
  • Wednesday, April 26, Moon in Cancer
  • Thursday, April 27, Moon in Cancer/Leo
  • Friday, April 28, Moon in Leo
  • Saturday, April 29, Moon in Leo/Virgo
  • Sunday, April 30, Moon in Virgo


Key Words:

Resort; realign; moderate; grace


Affirmative thought based on current combined celestial energy that reinforces the will:

“From within my true self emerges to create peace and harmony.”

The extensive daily astrology insights is only on Patreon through subscription (like a magazine, online,digital). On Patreon in May I’ll be discussing the lunar eclipse influence, the direct motion of Mercury, Jupiter in Taurus, Venus in Cancer, Mars in Leo and the Sun in Gemini. All will exact dates and times as well as the lunar cycles with specific times. Members receive a graphis of their birth chart to make it easier to follow the information. It’s kind of like having your own GPS.