
Sunday, April 9, 2023

Astrology for April 10-16, 2023© Sandra Helton


During this waning lunar tide are subtle stirrings about matters of the heart as Venus forms two direct angles to Pluto and Saturn just after entering the sign of Gemini.

The trine of Venus to Pluto on Tuesday is strong, resonating all week in areas of seeing more fully your sense of how you relate to others, especially who and what you love and your feelings about close relationships. Pluto is about transformation that can be part of the energy as you process your connections to others and also how you create. Creators of art and music are especially motivated to strive farther toward ideals and ways to birth that phenomenal reality. How and why you love someone or something is also strengthened calling for you to gain understanding. The atmosphere is magnetically charged.

Venus square Saturn on Friday prompts learning more about boundaries that could manifest in the form of obstacles, delays, and other blocks of social life and relationships. Someone could become problematic while plans and the overall social dynamic experiences challenge. When things go wrong and people disappoint it’s good to evaluate your own reasons for connecting and the meaning of the relationship so that you can have confidence that your choice is on track for the right reasons.

Venus is in Gemini from Tuesday until May 7 gives greater interest in variety and the outer world you experience through travel and all forms of communication. How you feel is important as it relates to where you’ve established bonds and feelings that now surface to be addressed in a number ways from interaction, plus you're more active in several areas such as with social gatherings, travel, expanding how you communicate and assorted activities. Interest in being on the go and indulging in your passions can take you far into new avenues with people, places and specific things you want to do such as visiting a favorite resort, seeing an art show or movie, attending a concert or connecting with groups that share your same focus. The key is being busy through connecting. If you’re in the travel industry you’re given a grand easement for fulfilling your goals. Charm and realizing ideals are also nice aspects for successfully connecting and enjoying forms of networking ranging from close encounters to the wider spectrum of the world.

The Quarter Moon in Capricorn on Thursday is the turning point from the recent Full Moon and the next New Moon that for a week offers you an opportunity to realign with how you’ve established your life, career and general standard of living. You may feel inclined to work on building a better life structure for longevity.

  • Monday, April 10, Moon in Sagittarius
  • Tuesday, April 11, Moon in Sagittarius/Capricorn / Venus transits into Gemini
  • Wednesday, April 12, Moon in Capricorn
  • Thursday, April 13, Moon in Capricorn/Aquarius
  • Friday, April 14, Moon in Aquarius
  • Saturday, April 15, Moon in Aquarius/Pisces
  • Sunday, April 16, Moon in Pisces

Key Words:

Love; connectedness; feelings; bonding; creation


Affirmative thought based on current combined celestial energy that reinforces the will:

“My feelings align with sincere bonds of love.”