
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Dec 5 - New Moon in Sagittarius

Moon in Scorpio/in Sagittarius at 12:59 PM heading toward the New Moon in Sagittarius Sunday at 12:36 PM EST.

Tomorrow is a nice day for beginnings and also a powerful day due to Mercury conjunct Pluto at 8:18 PM.

I'm happy to be starting the first of seven astrology classes with so many wonderful students already signed up! It is on-going with breaks for the holidays. Thank you to everyone who have graciously signed up in advance.

Wonder how many are all that prepared for the holidays? There is an eclipse December 21 on the Winter Solstice and the first day the Sun is in Capricorn - will be writing about it next week.

Also, Mercury is retrograde for three weeks beginning December 10.