Just before the Full Moon on Wednesday Uranus is a strong pull toward everything unusual or different than everyday life. Asking what’s new, what different, and what is going to happen are common thoughts. Individuality is important and there’s an open space to think for yourself and ponder who you are and where you’re going. It’s a kind of relief like a breathing space very much needed versus the imposition of “group think” and imposing ideologies many have been enduring. The Full Moon in Leo on Wednesday strengthens this notion of individuality making the next two weeks good for realigning with your truest and most desired foundations of identity. Mercury’s transit into Pisces on Friday, where it will be until March 3 increases your intuition and ability to be more creative. Mystical doors open that allow for interesting dreams as well as daydreaming. Ideals and a greater sense of your own authenticity relating to Leo that is the strength of the self and inner truth. Some will lose their way due various reasons such as an inability to cope with many stresses so it’s good to have purpose and focus or at least a plan you’re cultivating. Until the peak of the lunar tide, the days are best for building and getting underway what matters and priorities. After that it’s time to coast and reflect on your deeds. A bit of rest and repose along the way is worthwhile. Energetically February is a busy month for major aspects of society from celebratory days like Valentine’s Day and cultural traditions. This Leo Moon calls for personalizing where possible so you can enjoy and feel what the meanings are relating to “you”.