
Monday, July 29, 2024

Astrology for July 29-August 4, 2024 New Moon in Leo


(excerpt from main column) 

Just after midnight on Sunday, August 4, Mercury is officially retrograde and already the influence seems to be in full force as so many forms of communication are in turmoil and decisions needed are either on hold or extraordinarily changing from day-to-day. During the upcoming three week retrograde cycle is the timing of it all but right now the energy swirls creating an atmosphere like being caught in a whirlwind or tornado. Getting in order what you can and settling into the concept of not really knowing everything and that being okay helps to maintain calm and peace.

Also on Sunday, August 4 the New Moon in Leo begins and elevation of energy so most of the week until then you may find value in clearing and releasing cumbersome circumstances, negative persons and situations as well as anything causing worry and anxiety. Reconnecting with your strength that comes in through the creative spirit leads the way toward beginning of incorporating into your lifestyle something extra as it relates to true talents and abilities. Something as simple as taking small bits of time to indulge in doing what you enjoy goes a long way toward strengthening your spirit and developing a fuller life. When the Moon wanes, growing darker, as it is now you can enjoy quiet time and ways to nurture and refine your energy. The time is for growing inner strength before a greater energy commences.

NOTE: at 12:49 AM, August 5, Mercury Retrogrades in Virgo that brings three weeks of a need to pay attention to details and all matters about work and how you live from day-to-day. Being methodical and thorough is the key to managing this ray. You may be more focused on health and how you feel so have greater interest in nutrition or what you need to maintain optimal energy and strength. The details of life can become skewed so management is important. During this time you may prefer to set aside important moves such as large investments or major life changes. The influence is already in progress with a stronger manifestation than usual making this entire week one to watch or be mindful about in a way as if the retrograde is already in progress.


Sunday, July 21, 2024

Astrology for July 22-28, 2024 ©SandraHelton

Welcome to the land of the lion with all its regal persona and strength. The Sun moves through Leo for the next month triggering your depth of character and truest self. We become ever more aware of our motivations and deep purpose in life that is a core truth regardless of what we do or lifestyle. This is a good cycle to ask yourself who you really are and how you might more so begin to manifest it. Many have abilities and inner truths sitting on the back burner and aspects of their souls that are powerful and authentic. Leo is the core self governing the heart center and character. Currently opposing Pluto the strength of this placement is more intense with personal demands self-imposed. Making decisions is calling. For many, what matters most in life takes on great focus and going along with the crowd or group think doesn’t suffice.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Astrology for July 15-21, 2024 ©SandraHelton


Mars and the Sun present strong impulses right up until the Full Moon on Sunday. Mars

energizes and depending on how it angles to planets in the solar system it can shift matters and cause attention getting events. It begins the week and ends it stirring strong emotions and urges to act on impulses. This an important time to think about how you feel and what you want to do that empowers rather than scatters you. Mars changes signs going from Taurus into Gemini where it will be for a few weeks and cause the urge to act and be more on the go. This whirlwind is strengthened by the growing lunar tide peaking in Capricorn on Sunday so you’re prodded to be quite busy. Certainly it’s good to have a direction and also a plan where can be successful if you’re clear about what you want to achieve. Even if you don’t physically travel you most likely will think expansively of other places and people and in some way make connections. Globally the world will be stirred through emphasis on furthering communication.

Building up this week you can plant seeds, instill ideas, begin something important to you with that plan culminating by the Full Moon – getting something is an ideal so you can work on it over time.

This can be a historic time for nations and major groups as well as individually being important for settling into a more meaningful life through your personal choices and declarations. Note that Mars conjunct Uranus is also conjunct the star Algol on Monday that is vicarious and volatile so it’s building rays call for being on guard and not giving way to risks. It’s unusual and likely unpleasant. Old astrology books refer to Algol as the most violent star in the heavens which I’ve seen in various charts that it plays out to be true.


These affirmations are composed based on current celestial placements. As a clinical hypnotherapist I’ve studied writing scripts for clients so the composition is written with the intent to allow connecting with the heavens and expanding awareness to be more in harmony for the highest good. Taking a moment to be still and ideally in a quiet place, or even when going to sleep, the reading or speaking of these may be helpful and benefit your soul journey. Even just seeing it can be beneficial.

                                    “My life is whole and moving more into an empowered place.”


Implement; apply; act; connect


Musician, Singer, Song writer for Animals

 A really wonderful singer, musician and writer dedicated to helping the plight of animals:

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Links to information about the Dog Days

Astrology for July 8-14, 2024



Venus, commonly known as the planet of love is prominent this week bringing forth a lot of interaction in a personal way. In addition to love this planet instigates all forms of social interaction, friendships, affection and creativity. The Quarter Moon in Libra that relates emphasizes relationships of numerous types where people connect one-to-one. How you’ve been connecting with others and where you are now is emphasized and up for consideration. More subtly social media has taken a toll on how and why you connect and has put a strain on those connections. The intensity of bias and neediness in major areas of society has caused pressure and made it more challenging to positively maintain. Expanding your consciousness can help to keep and salvage meaningful relationships so all isn’t lost. Of course, change is a byproduct of these times so gentle evaluation helps to know you maintain healthy connections. Creatively you may hatch some interesting perspectives and extend your network. As well taking time to connect with what you desire and your personal interests can be empowering. You may have put your creativity on the back burner that still beacons. Maybe you’ve put aside your art, your music and whatever you love to do. Interests in what you enjoy can also be empowering but also healing.