
Sunday, September 10, 2023

Astrology Brief for September 11-17, 2023 from Sandra Helton©

The Virgo New Moon on Thursday is progressive and helpful for building and establishing routines and activities for life management during the next two weeks. It’s is a budding period for beginning routines and activities to take you through the rest of the year.

Mercury Stationary Direct, Friday, September 15 in Virgo trines Uranus along with the Sun gives an interesting and more excitable time during the next few weeks and especially
for the next two weeks until the Full Moon on September 29. For the past three weeks Mercury was retrograde that gave a need to revamp your everyday life, work, and for some focus on health which is still in effect though now easy to be accomplished and make use of previous work. It’s easier to go forward with plans.

Venus square Jupiter on Sunday is energy of adjustment with personal relationships. Strong impulses can cause making commitments to be later regretted so think carefully about what you want long-term and take your time as you connect with others. There can be a desire to spend or indulge but not necessarily the best idea since you could go overboard and spend too much or garner more than you need. This could be a wanton impulse so think wisely as you consider what you want in the way of fulfillment.

Ongoing transits of note:

Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus lasts until December 30 offering for many a reprieve plus it gives you an opportunity to reset your financial clocks and plans. As the planet of abundance you may restore and refine the past as it relates to what you hold valuable. This time is nice for delving into your sense of yourself and how you hold to personal worth and self-esteem. Taking time to contemplate the meaning of life as aspirations likely will yield “valuable” results. Globally the world will be in a kind of financial flux that is informative as it relates to the economy, stocks, incomes and all matters of money exchange. What has been progress and growth may need refining or reviewed to remain solvent going forward.

Mars in Libra until October 12 activates all direct relationships and dealing with the public. Libra is about finding harmony through resolution and understanding and recognizing reflective energy. Marriage and close connections including business partnerships are stirred so you may be working through issues and anywhere something has been left faltering. This is partly about give and take and seeing other perspectives.

  • Monday, September 11, Moon in Leo
  • Tuesday, September 12, Moon in Leo
  • Wednesday, September 13, Moon in Leo/Virgo
  • Thursday, September 14, Moon in Virgo
  • Friday, September 15, Moon in Virgo/Libra
  • Saturday, September 16, Moon in Libra
  • Sunday, September 17, Moon in Libra


These affirmations are composed based on current celestial placements. As a clinical hypnotherapist I’ve studied writing scripts for clients so the composition is written with the intent to allow connecting with the heavens and expanding awareness to be more in harmony for the highest good. Taking a moment to be still and ideally in a quiet place, or even when going to sleep, the reading or speaking of these may be helpful and benefit your soul journey. Even just seeing it can be beneficial.

“Reason and logic guide me toward beneficial decisions.” 


Act; establish; reason
