Sandra Helton - Astrology consultations; Personal Intuitive Counsel. Astrology sessions include future cycles. Available via phone. Graduate of Astrology Dynamics founded by Sybil Leek; columnist / astrologer for Shirley MacLaine (20yrs); Paranormal insights; Articles & Commentary
Tuesday, June 27, 2023
Joe Bonamassa - "Time Clocks" (Live) - Tales of Time
Sunday, June 25, 2023
Astrology for June 26-July 2, 2023© . Mercury in Cancer© . Neptune in Pisces
On Monday Mercury transits into Cancer until July 2 giving interesting insight into
family and anyone with whom you have a close bond. Emotions are sensitive and provide a unique perspective for feelings and all ways you connect and communicate.The Sun trine Saturn on Wednesday offers stability and fortitude for building what you want to last. This is an angle of positive foundations so putting into place a long-range plan is helped. It’s easier to see workable dynamics for growth.
Mercury trine Saturn on Friday benefits settle formal contracts and agreements. There’s opportunity to work on what you want to be long-term and enduring. Logic and reason are favorable guidelines.
Saturday brings Mercury conjunct the Sun, Mercury sextile Jupiter and the Sun sextile Jupiter making this a strong day for planning and working through major ideas. The heavens seem to align very well.
Venus square Uranus on Sunday is uneasy energy that can disrupt personal matters. It’s good to go with the flow and be flexible rather than trying to push activities or be demanding. People are changeable and events could just popup that shifts currents.
Neptune Retrograde in Pisces begins Friday that can for the next few months take you back in time, help you to go within and explore your own inner dynamics from the subconscious to other realms and lifetimes. As mentioned earlier this year Neptune activates everything pertaining to oceans and ocean life, shores lines, ships and anything related to professions so connected. Private institutions, prisons and all places where large groups are housed may be up for reform or notice. Professions related to Pisces such as shipping, psychologists, archeologists and anything related to the past may be more prominent.
This is an excerpt from the Patreon site:
Amazingly we move into another month with June leaving us a bit weary with so much unrest across the world. I’ve been asked to speak about the tragedy of the excursion submersible, Titan and as you know I don’t usually respond right away to events for ethical reasons where there’s suffering. I’d rather not validate tragedy in the light of those impacted during and afterward. Sensationalism isn’t my style. In this instance it seems now okay to talk about it. My interpretations for the day of that event were already in place as I suggested not taking anything at face value or being involved with anything not thoroughly research or secure due to the building angle between the Sun and Neptune that peaked Sunday that’s anything from muddled information, misunderstanding or outright deception. And so it went that on June 18 the ship launched as the Sun square Neptune was unfolding. I calculated and analyzed the chart of the launch that showed Mars and other factors negatively placed that, if astrology was considered they would’ve likely waited for better time. The chart if one of tragedy with no wait time in that it was a fast and intense implosion. I’ve seen other astrologers calculate for different times and speculate with wild random ideas to make “their” charts fit the outcome, and that’s another reason I usually refrain from immediately tossing out the astrology view. It’s almost like saying, I told you so, and yet an accurate chart can be educational and insightful so as to prevent other unfortunate happenings. All events have charts, which is why agriculture follows the Moon including Moon signs when planting and harvesting. Esoterically it’s eerie that the captain ignored warnings and barreled forth at the place of the sunken Titanic of which the captain ignored warnings of icebergs and barreled forth full speed. I’ll post an article with the chart graphic and discussion soon.
- Monday, June 26, Moon in Libra; Mercury in Cancer
- Tuesday, June 27, Moon in Libra
- Wednesday, June 28, Moon in Libra/Scorpio
- Thursday, June 29, Moon in Scorpio
- Friday, June 30, Moon in Scorpio/Sagittarius
- Saturday, July 1, Moon in Sagittarius
- Sunday, July 2, Moon in Sagittarius
These affirmations are composed based on current celestial placements. As a clinical hypnotherapist I’ve studied writing scripts for clients so the composition is written with the intent to allow connecting with the heavens and expanding awareness to be more in harmony for the highest good. Taking a moment to be still and ideally in a quiet place, or even when going to sleep, the reading or speaking of these may be helpful and benefit your soul journey. Even just seeing it can be beneficial.
“My deepest self awakens to
eternal awareness.”
otherworldly; secrets; privacy
Wednesday, June 21, 2023
Recognizing Anxiety
Sample posting from the Apparition Commonplace Book on Patreon
Self-talk, the ongoing internal dialogue that forms
everything from focus, distraction, joy and misery and due to denial of the
ability to speak out anxiety commonly develops.
If you feel anxiety that’s a good place to begin journaling by writing that down with how often and details it occurs. Knowing it’s a real experience helps to let you know you’re not confused and helps you to discover why it’s happening. Validation is empowering. Even if you only write down that you feel anxious or worried that’s a start. You can then note other emotions and begin to sort out perspectives toward a breakthrough to having peace and ability to lessen its influence. Once realized you can determine if it lingers in the background or is interfering with your choices to progress, and how often you’re held back. It’s good to think of a counter word to jot down that you can think often as a form of diminishing the negative feeling. You may ask yourself what color it feels like and maybe draw a symbol. Some see it as an X or as a square block.
Sunday, June 18, 2023
Astrology for June 19-25, 2023 The Summer Solstice and More©
The New Moon in Gemini at 12:37 AM, June 18 puts you in the two week energy growth moving forward to the Full Moon in Capricorn on July 3. This week is about building and progress that’s especially boosted by the solstice on Wednesday.
Jupiter sextile Saturn on Monday providing stability and an open door for expansion for what youwant to grow over time. It helps for long-term agreements and can benefit financial investments.
Mercury, planet of communication and activities such as travel stirs everything on Wednesday due to a positive alignment with Mars. If you need to make connections then this is added strength and encouragement.
On Sunday Mercury square Neptune calls for caution and scrutiny as there could be mix-ups or misunderstandings. Everything may not be at it seems on the surface so guard and protect boundaries.
The Summer Solstice is a shift for the planet in all ways that you may join as nature teems with the impulse for new life beginning on Wednesday. You can embrace this cycle of life by including your choice to begin anew and declare your motivation to progress. For some it’s a magickal day when ritual and celebration is strong. The joy of life and birth is acknowledge with feasting, planting seeds literally and through visualization and doing what honors the earth and all inhabitants. Astrologically the Sun at zero degrees Cancer is the midway mark through the twelve zodiacal signs so is the longest day and shortest night of the year.
The sign of Cancer is about the home, family, all forms of nurturing and natural beginnings. Ruled by the Moon it’s a reminder of your feelings and where you’re bonded.
Venus is Leo where it will be until October 8 that’s a much longer cycle than usual because it retrogrades for a while. This longer time intensifies all matters relating to the placement that in general affects what you desire which can be multiple things such as what you love to do, what you’re drawn to as interests, hobbies, people and even places. Venus governs love and in Leo triggers so many aspects of it as well as instigating you to explore more in that area. Leo is self-expression that you may choose to cultivate and enhance leading to fulfillment. This is a good time to cultivate true desire and enjoy indulging in what provides happiness. Special bonds can be cultivated with children and those with whom you share common interests. What and who you love is important. The months are great for striving toward increasing confidence plus this mellowing ray can be soothing and help to achieve fulfillment. Due to the opposition to Pluto in Aquarius on the same day a pattern is set that gives a sense of urgency or importance and cautions not to go overboard spending or indulging in any way that’s risky.
Considering the note below about Pluto there’s a strong impulse to have structure and reliability that may be challenging so review your priorities for the best way to work with this. This is in part due to the month when the Sun transits Cancer while opposing Pluto that calls for strong awareness.
Worth repeating:
Pluto is Retrograde back into Capricorn from its overall placement in Aquarius until January 2024. It’s in Capricorn until October 10, 2023 bringing back numerous issues experienced during past years such as political upheaval and challenges with powers-that-be such as national and corporate leaders. Whoever was the front person was and is again in the limelight and challenged for a variety of reasons and as well new leaders will experience being on the line. Structures such as nations, cities and corporations once again need to manage well and strive for solvency to maintain their standing.
- Monday, June 19, Moon in Cancer
- Tuesday, June 20, Moon in Cancer/Leo
- Wednesday, June 21, Moon in Leo / Sun in Cancer
- Thursday, June 22, Moon in Leo
- Friday, June 23, Moon in Leo/Virgo
- Saturday, June 24, Moon in Virgo
- Sunday, June 25, Moon in Virgo/Libra
These affirmations are composed based on current celestial placements. As a clinical hypnotherapist I’ve studied writing scripts for clients so the composition is written with the intent to allow connecting with the heavens and expanding awareness to be more in harmony for the highest good. Taking a moment to be still and ideally in a quiet place, or even when going to sleep, the reading or speaking of these may be helpful and benefit your soul journey. Even just seeing it can be beneficial.
“Blessings grow from my current
Expand; growth; blessings; hope
Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Ghosting & Pluto is the Deed and Neptune is the Result©
Sandra Helton Copyright2023
Ghosting is the social phenomenon of suddenly terminating all communication with someone and relatively more common in this era of prolific technology. It’s basically ignoring someone with varying effects and usually emotionally painful for the ghosted. More accepted now as an aspect of social behavior people are adjusting to the reality ranging from responses of uncaring to shock and rage. The question is why someone chooses such behavior and certainly it’s a controlling factor either from necessity if there are compound negative associations or if someone enjoys knowing the ghosted is hurt.
Sadistic aspects of ghosting is choosing to do it as a reckless act that says to the ghosted they don’t matter, they’re not worth the effort to maintain any form of basic civil association and simply, they’re gone.
This is part of the social structure of Pluto in Aquarius along with shifts such as AI (artificial intelligence) and now computer technology as a primary lifestyle. Pluto is totalitarianism with governance over death, transmutation and wherever there’s regeneration. Ghosting certainly suggests, “You don’t exist”.
Analyzing planetary energy the governor of ghosting is Neptune as it relates to disappearance. Other factors may be represented by planets if ghosting is a form of subversion and covert aggression. All planets have a higher and lower octave and in this scenario is about invisibility, the unknown and there but not there. Reasons to ghost someone vary ranging from someone not wanting to follow social protocol to intentionally wanting to hurt another. From emotional lack to sadism the gamut happens which furthers the mystery of it all. There are instances of abuse that triggers someone to cut-off all connection to the abuser, however, this general discussion is more about the unusual act when generally there’re other options to ending associations. I’ve seen varying cases where someone is shocked that another has ghosted them without knowing why and other dynamics where the association is too unbearable to endure so totally going cold seems the only way of relief. Somewhere in the middle is the greater reality that ghosting is more common these days and a lazy way to behave.
Other than possibly not knowing what else to do the majority of Ghosters can have a range of issues such as Low Emotional Intelligence, Bipolar Disorder, Alexithymia, Borderline Personality Disorder, Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Avoidant Personality Disorder among other issues. Regardless of the internal cause for such behavior the choice is still an action with consequences.
Ways to work through the abuse are numerous.
Neptune is the fog, the illusion and all manner of distortion and nothing as it seems. Currently it transits through Pisces, the sign it rules so is set well to manifest its strongest influence. With that reality it’s natural to want answers and yet, there’s no rationale when the recipient of abnormal behavior. You may want to sort through potential reasons but the base line is that ghosting is based on deception so answers may only lead to further deceitfulness. Ghosters will readily present a story hoping it will quell the call for truth. People are busy, sick, going through something and so on and hope one of the excuses will deflect for their personal responsibility.
A few ideas to help lessen the emotional pain inflicted by a Ghoster is to first see the reality that, it is what it is, and finding reasons or learning other dynamics doesn’t change the fact that there’s no longer a way to communicate. Allow yourself the right to feel hurt so that you can begin to heal from the shock. If you don’t know why it happened you might ask yourself if it really matters that it happened because it matters more that you need to realign your energy on yourself and take time to do what makes you feel okay and good. You may feel better by reaching out but then again you might feel worse which is your choice that’s a risk. Indulge in what you love that can be anything from simply enjoying a cup of coffee in the morning to being involved in a enriching activity. This helps to avoid dwelling on it and helps to remind you that there are others things and people in your life. Let go that will make room for other feelings, people and activities to fill the gap that helps to heal. Turn to what gives you solace that’s Jupiter energy. Healing, positivity, joy and goodness are aspects of this giant planet that is multi-faceted. I’ve known three people who ghost and all have lives filled with chaos and drama and both have a disordered mind that thrives on excitement. As well, both often dramatize to have a reason to keep attention on them. They can offer the pretense of caring that’s the ticket to their being most important. They each if necessary stretch “their” reality to include the paranormal to maintain the excitement and need to maintain being the center of attention. That type of delusion is also Neptune energy because it moves into the realm of fantasy and possibly delusion.
If someone ghosts another knowing they’re causing anguish
and hurt they fall more toward sadism with the planet Mars involved which is
the planet of aggression and weapons such as knives, etc. If a Ghoster is
hoping to sneak past their victims unnoticed they may be unable to cope with
life in general. A Ghoster that knows they’re causing some kind of debilitation
such as workplace issues, Saturn, the planet of suppression is involved. Should
a Ghoster cause being stranded (as being left on the side of the road) then
Pluto is active since it governs death to existing circumstances. Very often
someone who ghosts acts out other behaviors than may not be realized by the
victim and part of a dark behavior pattern. If they do it once they’re likely
to do it again. In a way it’s like a reverse stalker but in the beginning they
are a stalker as they court others through charm and beguilement and then they
Sunday, June 11, 2023
Astrology for June 12-18, 2023 - the Sun square Neptune - Pluto Retrograde - Gemini New Moon©
The week coasts down until Sunday when the New Moon in Gemini starts a new cycle of energy for
the rest of the month. During this week Mercury leads with a square to Saturn on Thursday and sextile to Venus on Saturday helping you to restructure recent past complications and concerns and carve out new forms of communication. As the ruler of Gemini, Mercury here and aligned with the Sun benefits making contact, reaching out and establishing all type of connection.
Everything happening has influence from the Gemini Sun square Neptune in Pisces calling for efforts to understand the rhyme and reason for convoluted conversations and events. There’re layers of meaning that can have you thinking and rethinking your own projections.
Venus is Leo where it will be until October 8 that’s a much longer cycle than usual because it retrogrades for a while. This longer time intensifies all matters relating to the placement that in general affects what you desire which can be multiple things such as what you love to do, what you’re drawn to as interests, hobbies, people and even places. Venus governs love and in Leo triggers so many aspects of it as well as instigating you to explore more in that area. Leo is self-expression that you may choose to cultivate and enhance leading to fulfillment. This is a good time to cultivate true desire and enjoy indulging in what provides happiness. Special bonds can be cultivated with children and those with whom you share common interests. What and who you love is important. The months are great for striving toward increasing confidence plus this mellowing ray can be soothing and help to achieve fulfillment. Due to the opposition to Pluto in Aquarius on the same day a pattern is set that gives a sense of urgency or importance and cautions not to go overboard spending or indulging in any way that’s risky.
Considering the note below about Pluto there’s a strong impulse to have structure and reliability that may be degree challenging so review your priorities for the best way to work with this.
Worth repeating:
Pluto is Retrograde back into Capricorn from its overall placement in Aquarius until January 2024. It’s in Capricorn until October 10, 2023 bringing back numerous issues experienced during past years such as political upheaval and challenges with powers-that-be such as national and corporate leaders. Whoever was the front person was and is again in the limelight and challenged for a variety of reasons and as well new leaders will experience being on the line. Structures such as nations, cities and corporations once again need to manage well and strive for solvency to maintain their standing.
In your life you may notice old concerns and situations return if they were not completely resolved. There are issues of power-plays and it brings out any need to control. Physically, Capricorn governs teeth, bones, any hard stuff in the body such as calcification, buildup in arteries and also posture. It’s good to establish self-care including getting the right amount of rest.
The New Moon in Gemini on Sunday is a nice beginning for anywhere you want to go forward. Keep in mind that communicating with yourself is important.
- Monday, June 12, Moon in Aries
- Tuesday, June 13, Moon in Aries/Taurus
- Wednesday, June 14, Moon in Taurus
- Thursday, June 15, Moon in Taurus/Gemini
- Friday, June 16, Moon in Gemini
- Saturday, June 17, Moon in Gemini
These affirmations are composed based on current celestial placements. As a clinical hypnotherapist I’ve studied writing scripts for clients so the composition is written with the intent to allow connecting with the heavens and expanding awareness to be more in harmony for the highest good. Taking a moment to be still and ideally in a quiet place, or even when going to sleep, the reading or speaking of these may be helpful and benefit your soul journey. Even just seeing it can be beneficial.
“Connecting to my spirit self is
revealing of ways to manage my life.”
Recall; observe;
Sunday, June 4, 2023
Astrology for June 5-11, 2023©
From the lunar peak last Saturday the Moon is now waning until the next New Moon on June 18
giving you an opportunity to work on inner calm and exploration of your personal life.
On Monday Venus enters Leo where it will be until October 8 that’s a much longer cycle than usual because it retrogrades for a while. This longer time intensifies all matters relating to the placement that in general affects what you desire which can be multiple things such as what you love to do, what you’re drawn to as interests, hobbies, people and even places. Venus governs love and in Leo triggers so many aspects of it as well as instigating you to explore more in that area. Leo is self-expression that you may choose to cultivate and enhance leading to fulfillment. This is a good time to cultivate true desire and enjoy indulging in what provides happiness. Special bonds can be cultivated with children and those with whom you share common interests. What and who you love is important. The months are great for striving toward increasing confidence plus this mellowing ray can be soothing and help to achieve fulfillment. Due to the opposition to Pluto in Aquarius on the same day a pattern is set that gives a sense of urgency or importance and cautions not to go overboard spending or indulging in any way that’s risky.
Mercury sextile Neptune on Friday is great for tapping into the unseen, your higher mind, otherworldly realms and working with your intuition. You can receive inspiration and guidance that helps to cultivate your creative ability and increases your ability to tune into your surroundings and others for greater insight.
Also on Friday is the Quarter Moon in Pisces reminds you of higher aspirations and any need to refine life in a more spiritual way.
On Sunday Pluto is Retrograde back into Capricorn from its overall placement in Aquarius until January 2024. It’s in Capricorn until October 10, 2023 bringing back numerous issues experienced during past years such as political upheaval and challenges with powers-that-be such as national and corporate leaders. Whoever was the front person was and is again in the limelight and challenged for a variety of reasons and as well new leaders will experience being on the line. Structures such as nations, cities and corporations once again need to manage well and strive for solvency to maintain their standing.
In your life you may notice old concerns and situations return if they were not completely resolved. There are issues of power-plays and it brings out any need to control. Physically, Capricorn governs teeth, bones, any hard stuff in the body such as calcification, buildup in arteries and also posture. It’s good to establish self-care including getting the right amount of rest.
- Monday, June 5, Moon in Sagittarius/Capricorn
- Tuesday, June 6, Moon in Capricorn
- Wednesday, June 7, Moon in Capricorn/Aquarius
- Thursday, June 8, Moon in Aquarius
- Friday, June 9, Moon in Aquarius/Pisces
- Saturday, June 10, Moon in Pisces
- Sunday, June 11, Moon in Pisces/Aries
These affirmations are composed based on current celestial placements. As a clinical hypnotherapist I’ve studied writing scripts for clients so the composition is written with the intent to allow connecting with the heavens and expanding awareness to be more in harmony for the highest good. Taking a moment to be still and ideally in a quiet place, or even when going to sleep, the reading or speaking of these may be helpful and benefit your soul journey. Even just seeing it can be beneficial.
“My awareness shifts toward
divine inspiration.”
aware; realize