
Sunday, March 19, 2023

March 20-26, 2023 - Vernal Equinox, Sun in Aries, Pluto in Aquarius, Mars in Cancer

Happy New Year!

The Sun at zero degrees Aries on Monday at 5:24 PM begins the actual New Year as the first degree of the first sign in the twelve constellations that will take the next year to travel through each astrological sign so you’re not too late to make resolutions and begin anew with plans and work toward fulfillment of ideals. The great thing about Aries is that it’s pioneering and explorer energy and motivates willingness to take that first step where no one has gone before.

The Sun sextile Pluto on Monday is strength and fortitude making time a powerful time if support for your intentions.

Also, Happy Birthday Aries – you have positive empowerment from a well placed Pluto to get you going and your choices can be enduring especially during your birth cycle.

The Sun into Aries is the Spring Equinox (Fall in the Southern Hemisphere) when life on planet Earth rebirths. It’s a balance of day and night as it heads toward longer days for helping everything from budding flowers to animals being born to have means to thrive. This is energy for you too and can also be a great day to celebrate renewal of your own life. Finding what gives you joy and how you can ride the sails of this planetary energy is a declaration and in part a magickal process to activate the energy.

On Tuesday is the New Moon in Aries at 1:33 PM beginning a two week cycle that is strong and can help with all things you consider purposeful as a new beginning.

Pluto transits into Aquarius on Thursday that will be there until 2044 with a couple of retrograding motions between now and into 2024, however, it’s officially here! It’s not an easy read because it’s so profound and for many life changing. The recent long transit in Capricorn influenced governments and leaders of nations as well as corporations and careers for individuals. Obvious manifestations were events in the United Stated that has been challenged to shift and ride a tide of change right to the core of its constitution. The United Kingdom also went through similar circumstances as have many countries across the world. Now, Pluto brings change are in areas of technology, space as the Space Force takes on significant tasks, space travel, pharmaceuticals, genetics, organizations and groups including friendships and those various connections, extraterrestrial encounters, the Metaverse expansion, and across the board a fast movement validating multiple dimensions. Personally you may experience psychic abilities more significantly and how you associate with others changes. Friendships and connections to groups may either change significantly and some may end for various reasons. The list is long so I’ll publish more along the way as Pluto settles into this phenomenal placement. It’s in alignment with the Age of Aquarius that’s the current two thousand year cycle having left the Piscean age of that began the powerful quest for connecting to higher energies such as the results of the birth of Jesus and unfolding religions. Now, in an air sign it’s a new way to embrace belief and how we connect that will be part of the reality of other dimensions.

Mars moves through Cancer beginning Saturday until May 20 creating a pull toward forms of nurturing such as making your home a place of peace and safety as well as greater realization of family connections. Emotion is sensitized so how you feel is stronger. People and animals are more self-aware of what happens around them.

Mentioned last week:

Venus transits Taurus until April 11 is a great placement helping to mellow anywhere there’s a need. Life can take on a hue of optimism and joy that encourages you to see in a positive light and with renewed hope. This is nice for creativity and flexibility for money and financial management.

Mercury moved into Aries on March 19 that for the next few weeks until April 3 gives vim and vigor and more excitement about doing something innovative. Zeal stirs ideas and interest in taking the initiative rather than holding back and drifting. You may want to begin a project or new regimen.

  • Monday, March 20, Moon in Pisces/Sun in Aries
  • Tuesday, March 21, Moon in Pisces/Aries
  • Wednesday, March 22, Moon in Aries
  • Thursday, March 23, Moon in Aries/Taurus
  • Friday, March 24, Moon in Taurus
  • Saturday, March 25, Moon in Taurus/Gemini/Mars in Cancer
  • Sunday, March 26, Moon in Gemini

Key Words:

Beginning; pioneer; original; independent


Affirmative thought based on current combined celestial energy that reinforces the will:

“I begin a purposeful direction.”