
Monday, April 11, 2022


Your Celestial Compass for the Week of April 4-10, 2022 ©SandraHelton

Heading toward the Full Moon in Libra on Friday makes this a week of unfolding energy through perspective in relation to others directly, and also how you relate to the public at large with mass consciousness influence. Both individual and group energy are noticed.

Mercury now in Taurus is highly motivating with several major angles leading up to its sextile to Venus in Pisces on Sunday. Many are discussing values and perspectives on economy which are both Taurus ruled so it falls right into place with current circumstances around the world. Income and money management can be more creative as first thought a few weeks ago and as well the link between your needs and personal accounting can have breakthroughs to your benefit due to Venus in Pisces. Outside the mundane and from higher insights there’s a sense of being divinely guided.

On Tuesday is Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces that’s happening several times during 2022 and is both unusual and powerful as it relates to the esoteric. It’s an opening portal to other dimensions and it gives openness to anyone willing to tune into its unusual and mystical manifestations. This is about connecting to divine planes of existence and those higher beings that dwell there. Magickal practices are empowered and enlightenment is very possible with focus and intention.

On Thursday, Mars begins the journey through Pisces until May 24, further enhancing esoterically your sense of being connected to other dimensions. It’s good to monitor idealism so that it serves you well and doesn’t cause going too far afield from what is in your best interest.


Keep in mind we’re under the influence of the upcoming Solar Eclipse on April 30 that coincides with the Black Moon, making the entire month more intense and significant.

For continued insight and extensive details about astrology, weekly column and information about clairaudience: