
Tuesday, September 14, 2021


 Mars (fire) is in Libra (air) until Oct 30. Personally this placement influences committed relationships and business partnerships prodding toward more intensity and on the spot for attention. All counsel, as in advice you seek is also in the limelight with attention to be more accountable or validate purpose. The world at large is also energized to speak out and seek truths. There can be an upset within the judicial system and strong interests in righting wrongs.  

The ideal of Libra is balance and harmony and Mars is often more demanding than easygoing. Passive-aggressive natures are brought to the fore and restlessness sets in. It’s good to take time to sort out where you need to realign and also to seek peace in the process of dealing with issues that arise. Keep in mind that Venus is in Scorpio so attitudes and feelings may be intense. The phrase, “a demand for justice” fits. 

Find your own center and way to work through the time and with Venus in the mix also revisit your beliefs and convictions.