
Wednesday, January 13, 2021

The Wolf Moon of 2021


Here we are, as of midnight ET the Capricorn New Moon began a 2wk cycle for building, making for a time to plant seeds and move forward. As I've been discussing in the weekly column (on the website), Mars, Saturn and Uranus play a significant role throughout the month, which is not easy as these 3 planets don't integrate well. Mars, planet of war, Saturn either blocks or stabilization, and Uranus, the wild card since it rules things like lightening. The prod to react is powerful that seems to lack comfort individually. While energy of 2020 was harsh, 2021 is more flexible yet is kind of a ride you might take at a carnival. The undercurrent is choosing wisely and being flexible. For these next 2wks it's helpful to see your options and formulate (Saturn) how you want to proceed in the days ahead. This is the 1st New Moon of the year and conjunct Pluto - intense! Truth is on the line as part of stark realities. Feelings run deep. In many cultures it's coined The Wolf Moon. God bless our elders and kindred, the wolves.