
Thursday, February 28, 2019

Feb 28, '19 Are You Wearing Pants?

The pic has nothing to do with celestial influences today since lunar angles are nice. The comment made me laugh and reflects several conversations lately with people stressed to the max. Lots of asking why things are so harsh and challenging. One things I've noticed is that forgetfulness is more commonplace and not due to a condition other than the condition of being overwhelmed. If social media is going to be accepted then a few road rules need to be applied. Simple things like muting commercials helps; once you hear a news item mute the commentary so you can think for yourself and not become confused by your own sense of things and the rabid need of programs to grab listeners for ratings. Dare to indulge in what you enjoy rather than the imposition of fanaticism (extreme zeal) that's dictatorial and shaming. And so on and so forth...