
Friday, February 2, 2018

February 2, 2018 - Virgo Moon - Candlemas

Today is the quarter point in the heavens between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox when the Sun is in Aquarius. The name itself explains much – candle = flame and mas = mass or celebration. The Earth begins the first signs of rebirth and life. All of nature stirs to awaken through budding of trees and many animals begin preparing to start families. To be in sync with this time of year, many celebrate by lighting bon fires and having church services to pay reverence. This is a wonderful time to align with nature and acknowledge the great awakening that is also within you. A single candle flame is sufficient. Having a meal with intention, accepting that you will be moving forward into a new time of greater light and blessings is also sufficient. If you find a bunch of people frolicking on a hillside with torches then great! Otherwise, your own personal moment of connecting is just as meaningful.