
Friday, April 29, 2016

April 29, 2016 Venus in Taurus


From today until May 24 Venus transits Taurus that is a great placement because it’s the natural planet ruler of the sign. This weeks column explains much that helps to know how to work with the energy. Desire for fulfillment is strong.
We now have 5 planets in Retrograde motion until May 12 when Jupiter goes Direct again. That’s half the solar system! This causes a sense of pausing when in some instances little is accomplished, and also may create indecision. Striving to maintain a reasonable routine and staying on schedule helps to keep moving and is an excellent way to handle Mercury Retrograde in Taurus for the next three weeks. 

This is also the Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius that calls for tweaking and making adjustments to smooth out issues with others. A small effort can also lessen stress. 

April 29 Taurus Birthdays: Willie Nelson, Jerry Seinfeld; Dale Earnhardt; Uma Thurman; Michelle Pfeiffer 

Princess Diana was born with Venus in Taurus that expressed her sense of style.