Children birthdays: Ringo Star; Michelle Kwan; George Cukor; Shelley Duvall;
Robert Heinlein
Chocolate, Strawberry Sundae; Father-Daughter Take a Walk Together, Global
Forgiveness and Tell Truth Day. That’s a lot! Imagine there are other noted
designations but celebrating all this should take us into tomorrow.
the Moon occults Saturn. This sounds mysterious and it somewhat is as it’s a
bit like an eclipse but instead of the Sun and Moon eclipsing, the Moon
eclipses Saturn, meaning it moves into a position to obscure it’s view.
Astrologically this has significant meaning that I talk about in detail in the
column this week. Along with the end of the week Capricorn Full Moon makes the
days under a Saturn influence since Saturn rules Capricorn. From today until
Saturday the lunar tide rises giving you an opportunity to stretch where before
while Mercury was retrograde and other factors you were in a crunch. Getting
plans underway and building foundations are positive actions.
column this week is titled, The Impossible Becomes Possible, and You Can Get By
with a Little Help from Your Friends – Mercury, Venus and Mars Sandra's Celestial Compass Weekly Column