
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Some people may be wondering why anybody would yell "May Day" when they are in trouble. Here is why: It derives from the French "m'aidez", means "help me."

May Day is related to the Celtic festival of Beltane and the Germanic festival of Walpurgis Night. Astrologically and astronomically May Day falls exactly half a year from November 1, (and All Hallow's Eve) another cross-quarter day in the heavens associated with various pagan beliefs. It’s a day of reveling and dancing around the ever popular maypole. The date in the northern hemisphere correlates to springtime as we are now between the spring equinox in March and the summer solstice in June when flowers are blooming and nature renews life once again. Birds have made nests and the cycle of life continues. It’s a great day to celebrate what you have and want to continue. Growth is a key to think about, what you have that’s growing, what you want to grow and visualizing the path toward that fulfillment. And, revel in the joy of it’s manifestation. Happy May