
Saturday, March 12, 2011

We're moving toward a full moon + equinox next weekend. At 2:10 PM EDT the moon will be full in Virgo and at a very close distance to earth. It is closer than it has been in years causing such as the unfortunate earthquakes in Japan and the tsunami's.

The following day, Sunday at 7:21 PM EDT brings the Vernal Equinox, the sun at 0 degrees Aries which begins the zodiacal new year.

The Sun on March 21 conjuncts Uranus in Aries since March 11 that is also high energy and a bit unpredictable.

These tremendous energies combined makes it a time to tune in to see what you are really doing and what the effects are in your life. Intense times and heightened energy causes more than earth phenomena - it causes people to be more on edge and willing to take risks. All such impulses are better directed toward your creativity and original thinking.

Jot down those lyrics and licks as they occur to you so that you don't lose them. Psychic flashes are just that - flashes that come and go quickly.

How you are original has nothing to do with comparison to another but how strong you feel about your own ability and drive and interest in creating.

Astrology classes - Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM in Lake Helen Florida at the Enchanted Soul of Cassadaga.