
Friday, August 1, 2008

Solar Eclipse

Solar eclipse in Leo, Friday, August 1:
The eclipse is powerful and is aligned with the open Stargate of Sirius, the star system that was so significant to ancient Egypt. The portal to that consciousness opened earlier this month and will be so until mid August. This is the time that was sacred to those of ancient times and for some still today when Sirius rose over the Nile and was the time that their river of life flooded, thus causing crops to be lush creating abundance.

On the esoteric level this is the time when you may seek nourishment for your spirit through meditation upon this sacred dynamic, the star system, or making the connection to your own cosmic and ancestral roots.

The solar eclipse on Friday, at 6:12 A.M. EDT coincides with the new moon. Certainly this is a launch point for some grand visualization’s so plan now to be ready to go starting then. Leo is governed by the Sun, the heart and core of our solar system which is life.

A few helpful hints for your meditations are to think of the symbol of Leo, the lion. Such phrases as lion-heart and definitions of brave, strength, kind, and so forth, all tell you about the energy. All have Leo somewhere in their birth chart. All 12 signs govern different parts of ones life. You might have Leo governing your finances or your home or career. It isn’t necessary to know specifically to have successful focus on this great energy. The new moon is the time of growth and beginnings and the eclipse is like having a booster rocket that catapults all things forward.

You might seek a photograph or drawing of the heavens for the month of August or the constellation Canis Major. Or, you may simply light a candle of think of ancient Egypt and those times when people prepared to celebrate a wonderful event.

Esoterically, this energy offers healing, greater awareness and for those who are ready to accept the next level of consciousness it opens you to initiation.

Key words to prompt your connection are: Forthright; courage; integrity; honor; peace; grace; wholeness. There are many more definitions.

Ideally, you should be open to receive unique information and insight. Do not limit yourself to what you think that energy should mean. The knowledge is so vast that there is always learning so something unfamiliar just may emerge into your consciousness!

Throughout the year, numerous stargates open and each resonates for different groups of people. Last month I discussed the Pleiades Stargate to which many feel drawn. It was part of the Mayan and numerous other mystical teachings.

The teachings of ancient Egypt and the energy of those within the Sirian Stargate is not easily accepted or understood by everyone. Many working within metaphysical and magical systems shy away from this as it is too alien and obscure to comprehend. Most simply do not resonate to it. However, all may receive healing and positive energy as it is not limited or blocked. All such vibrations are simply there and it is for each to decide to embrace them. Many find a specific energy and bask in it. The greater portion of the world has seemed ready and willing to embrace the energy of the Pleiades and it has been a positive connection creating change toward awareness of the need to honor the earth and life and to be aware of time. People are urged to conserve natural resources and stop the desecration of the land.

The most available and useful energy for you is the Leo new moon and solar eclipse so think about what you would like to begin and incorporate the essence of Leo’s and the Sun’s meaning and you are on your way. The cycle of the eclipse has been in effect for a couple of weeks and will be for a couple of month. The pivotal time is between the new moon on Friday, August 1 and the full moon on August 16 when there will be a lunar eclipse in Aquarius. These 2 weeks lend you the time to get going and take positive steps.

Leo governs the crown chakra or psychic center on the top of the head. Leo is the fifth sign in the zodiac and manifests the creative, birthing literally and figuratively as in creating a painting or other artistic endeavor. It can be grandiose and urges stepping into the limelight. Each have abilities and each is entitled to shine in their best light so by accepting that within your own self you are fulfilling one of your greater purposes.

When you know you have discovered something solid and good it is also good and reinforcing to embrace it. That might be an ability within, a new hobby or interest, a group where are others of commonality and so forth. Very basically, it is a great time to step up to the plate and take on that aspect of yourself that is expressive of courage and strength. By simply being sincere and knowing you are also taking responsibility for what you do then you are a more empowered person.

I often see clients that simply need to make a decision to resolve confusion or even conflict. Once you make your declaration and take that first step many other things can fall into place. Sometimes, negativity and chaos falls by the wayside as there is not longer a time or place for it to thrive. Once clear decision changes all others, or the lack of…
The heart is filled with a positive light and the chakra that connects to the divine is active and you are more able to be directed by the divine.