
Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Excerpt from Celestial Compass Nov 05-11 2007

Embracing Wisdom and Truth

Time and again opportunities arise to know the truth and make a choice to move ahead and yet something often gets in the way and either slows you down or holds you back. It is a mystery of why you might want to remain in one place or even retreat and go backward but also a haunting reality.

This week you are shown many reasons why you would refuse to accept the opportunity to progress. And also, you are shown ways to break away from anything that might be holding you back. Pluto reins right now and it the one planet that will bring you the truth, although sometimes rather stark. The key to working with this awesome energy is to embrace the concept of rebirth and regeneration and simply decide that it is better for you to do that then to stagnate. The full column may be read by going to and clicking on Weekly Horoscope from the Astrology pull down menu. Thank! Sandra