
Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Mercury Direct and Uranus Retrograde - controversial

 Mercury is direct August 28 at 5:14 PM EDT on its way to a slow craw forward. The Astrology brief this week explains this: 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Astrology Brief for August 26-September 1, 2024


The Quarter Moon this week is a turn in the road on its way to the next in New Moon in one week on September 2. Venus shines bright with a few turns of its own that calls for noting personal connections and how they’re unfolding. It’s a personal week in that introspection and self-analysis become important. This is a vital energy to keep balance in relation to the world at large as Pluto remains at a critical point that keeps major areas somewhat up-in-the-air. Society stirs due to Uranus and Pluto. Mercury is direct from its three week retrograde transit that is a kind of release from much tediousness and need to maintain a focus on details and management. With all that, and while he lunar tide wanes, your inner journey and deepest part of your spirit calls for breakthroughs of awareness. These are strong but subtle patterns relating to the subconscious and inner life. Venus moves from the practical sign of Virgo into Libra for the next few weeks that prod realigning relationships and creative interests as well as striving for greater harmony and alignment. Virgo rays call for recognizing your divinity as a point of service and nurturing. 

Friday, August 23, 2024

It’s Virgo Season for All August 22 to September 22, 2024


An Esoteric Perspective:

Virgo season it’s more than about someone’s birthday or assigned gemstone – it affects everyone in some way even if subliminally. Throughout history the movements of the heavens has been noted and significant for agriculture as many farmers follow the Moon placements for planting and harvesting. For example, water signs, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are generally known for being fruitful times with variations for each sign. Right now the Sun moving through Virgo is a harvest time in the Northern Hemisphere and if not a farmer you have this influence to help you to be in alignment with the world around you in a number of ways.

The basics of Virgo are: It’s an earth sign of the four elements, fire, earth, air and water. The symbol is the maiden or virgin and attributes are details and mental focus. Knowing where the sign falls in your birth chart gives insight about where you manifest those traits. The planet ruler is Mercury which is closest to the Sun. Harmonious energies on earth is such as specific gemstones, colors, and various other associations. One example is that Mercury has rulership (influence) over birds.

How all are esoterically influenced during this month long cycle to be considered – you are helped to think and manage details that lead to thoroughness; details are more easily discerned; management through order is helped; it is the gestation of the Christ hidden in form; and the Mercurial influence keeps your mind going at a greater pace.

All these are subtle influences to ease you along in to corporeal world and if mediated upon you may gain spiritual insight of a higher nature such as realizations of the why of events or interactions. Simple yet it can be profound is asking yourself during this cycle what you’ve garnered thus far in your life and what are you harvesting? Your current state of mind, emotion and life is expressing it and with detailed oriented Virgo you can sort through and evaluate it all with an intention of moving forward to the next cycle of Libra during which you can refine and balance. Taking stock is a form of mental harvesting so you can see what you have, where you are and what you are doing and then you can sort through and become more orderly to function. Keep in mind that idealism is part of the divinity of Virgo that needs to be embraced with wisdom rather than self-judgment. Do what you can, when you can and where you can in the most gentle way.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Astrology Brief for August 19-25, 2024


The first of four Supermoons in a row is this week with the others happening September 17, October 17 and November 15. The influence of a low riding Moon often affects weather and the earth which could explain the earthquakes in California as the astrology chart for the state is impacted by celestial placements quite intensely.

Venus sheds a lot of energy right now that keeps us all in a self-awareness state of mind in part due to being in Virgo. Introspection is powerful with many pondering their own purposes and striving to discover how they fit into the scheme of the world. Mass media bombardment and bias has caused mistrust that can lead to separation due to doubt so striving to connect within is vital for peace of mind. The week benefits that process. Realizing your true desires and purpose can be empowered by the current stellar rays.

Virgo season begins August 22.


Monday, August 12, 2024

Astrology Brief for August 12-18, 2024



This week leads up to the first of four Supermoons in a row happening next Monday, August 19 in Aquarius. A Supermoon is a full or new Moon that nearly coincides with perigee—the closest that the Moon comes to the Earth in its elliptic orbit—resulting in a slightly larger-than-usual apparent size viewed from Earth. The technical name is a perigee syzygy or a full Moon around perigee. The energy has an effect in that it’s striking in appearance and can be alluring. It’s a manifestation therefore has an effect. While waxing, as it is now, the Moon gives strength and reinforces what you do. In the element air and ruler of the natural eleventh house of the zodiac it inspires and brings forth realization and action relating to others and concepts of the future. Seeing the bigger picture of your life and the world comes to mind. Mercury retrograde is still a dynamic energy as it forms significant angles to other planets calling for being methodical and thoughtful making decisions and actions you elect to take.

It’s overall a week to continue to recognize your individual worth and carefully manage how you maneuver through life to maintain rightful purpose and place. Insight and awareness are strong even with Mercury retrograde.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Astrology Brief for August-5-11, 2024


The New Moon in Leo this past Sunday begins an upward cycle of building energy for the next two weeks during which time Mercury retrograde moves through the last degrees of Virgo and into Leo before going direct on August 28. Momentum unfolds to realign and build strength upon which you can relay over time. There is a subtle and positive influence wherein you can form new ideas and plans and sort through past events so that you have priorities in good order.

This Mercury retrograde is less chaotic due to being in Virgo, the sign it rules and with the help of Venus and the Moon. Contemplation is a key factor.

It’s good to rest and restore your energy so you’re set to go as we move toward four Supermoon’s in a row and a few eclipses looming in the near future.

The Plight of Animals 2024