
Sunday, May 15, 2022

Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio – Full Moon May 15th, 2022 A Super Blood Moon


The eclipse is very long in duration, happening May 16 at 12:14 AM EDT that’s just after midnight of May 15.  Visible totality is in the USA, Canada, Central and South America, parts of Western Europe, Western Africa, New Zealand and Antarctica.

At 25:18 degrees Scorpio it connects to the South Node and due to magnitude should be spectacular. Just two weeks ago was a solar eclipse in the opposite sign Taurus that is an axis between the two signs affecting all aspects of money, from how you earn it to how you save and accumulate material goods. This has been an ongoing energy for most of the year and is active for the next three months. Inwardly your sense of value is triggered that brings up self-worth consideration and at this degree can cause anxiety.

Taking time to restore calm and connection to higher energies of wisdom is helpful to squelch bothersome emotions. Mortality and immortality are aspects of Scorpio and with this visual impact alone there’re stirring feelings about how you want to live and about the future. Many want to renew and rebirth due to that open dimensional doorway.

This is a gateway to other dimensions and so is also to the realm of spirits, making this event akin to a big All Hallows Eve when the veil is thin and those that have passed on can walk through into our space, and likewise we can walk easily into theirs. It’s a wonderful time to commune with loved ones on the spirit side of life and as well, connect to ancestral links and guardians.

A Blood Moon is atmospheric in that it can appear in various shades of red due to particles between Earth and the Moon and while that’s a logical reason, it still comes with lore and prophecy that’s not necessarily negated by a scientific explanation. There’re always esoteric energies to alert us to purposes beyond the mundane.

A Super Moon has to do with the location that creates an illusion to size and it rides heavy.

For some (me included) life already feels like a time warp with recollections of the past merging into consciousness that helps to see a fuller journey of this lifetime. Angles to planets and Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces enriches spiritual knowledge and furthers the mystical within and without – as above, so below. This is a theme related to the South Node. My suggestion is to be forthright with what you feel and intuitively sense and not to be shy about seeing truths and revelations. Jung’s shadow self, dreams from your subconscious or elsewhere, unusual experiences and phenomena and numerous responses to this profound ray are happening. Even the history of UFO’s and UAP’s is stirred that has resulted in Congressional hearings beginning next week about revealing secret data collected over many years. Covert activity is Scorpio ruled.

Involved is the star, Unulkahair, that’s a red star at the heart of the snake constellation Serpens. Ironically, or maybe not, I just began watching a gothic TV series called The Essex Serpent along with a few other Scorpionic activities. Legends and spiritual texts abound with allegorical tales that testify to the reality of transformation and often the intensity that activates it.

Unfolding influences are healing that happens during sleep or deep meditation and if you want that then this opens those avenues for you. Healing of the heart is strong and realization of immortality is part of it.

Taking a moment to quietly bask or doing something more elaborate such as a feast or ritual is okay as long as you’re paying attention. Honoring life on the planet and reinforcing your heart connection is a soul action.

It’s easy to find instructions about times and where the eclipse is visible.

Monday, May 9, 2022

Your Celestial Compass for the Week of May 9-15, 2022©SandraHelton Mercury Retrograde and Getting Ready for the Lunar Eclipse


This Mercury Retrograde beginning June 3 and lasting until June 3 is in Gemini, the sign it rules so lends a softer result, although the usual cautions and benefits still remain which are, avoid signing important documents or making significant purchases, review any necessary contracts for errors and convoluted clauses. Also, pay attention to messages and all communication so as to avoid mistakes with dates and times and even locations if you’re scheduled to meet someone at a specific place. Missed appointments or wrong directions are common during this cycle. Good practice is the “do-over” such as redoing anything and also clearing for upgrades. Take your time with managing activities. On May 22 Mercury reverts back into Taurus for the remainder of the retrograde that calls for review of all finances ranging from income to investments. Pay attention to financial records to ensure you’ve not only paid necessary bills but that mistakes aren’t made and you’re over-charged.

On the same day, May 10, Jupiter moves into Aries where it remains until October 28 that revs up ideas and goals with the aim of advancing ideals that in general is good unless you tend to be impulsive and then there might be a tendency to overshoot. This is also about money that instigates spending and taking the initiative even if a bit risky. Gambling isn’t the way to go unless you’re willing to believe in what you’re doing either way it goes. New projects and your independence are important though keep in mind the influence of the solar and lunar eclipse axis in Taurus and Scorpio that’s also about finances and Mercury’s involvement. Much can be done with conviction and looking at the long-term process.

Sunday, the day before the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on May 16, brings two major solar angles that are a square to Saturn and a sextile to Neptune. These angles combined suggest patience and consideration of the bigger picture of your choices.

The week is good for managing and maintaining and putting into place what you need for reliability.


  • Monday, May 9, Moon in Leo/Virgo
  • Tuesday, May 10, Moon in Virgo
  • Wednesday, May 11, Moon in Virgo
  • Thursday, May 12, Moon in Virgo/Libra
  • Friday, May 13, Moon in Libra
  • Saturday, May 14, Moon in Libra/Scorpio
  • Sunday, May 15, Moon in Scorpio

Monday, May 2, 2022

Astrology for May 2-8, 2022... *Rolling Thunder*


This week is off and running with a lot of energy behind it from the heavens. The growing lunar tide is underway along with rays from the solar eclipse that happened the day of the New Moon in Taurus last Saturday. As of Monday, Venus is in Aries that will be activating a lot of independent direction that’s completely in line with what’s already unfolding.

All of that is quite enough and yet, on Tuesday Jupiter is sextile Pluto, on Wednesday Mars and Uranus sextile, on Thursday the Sun and Uranus conjunct on Friday a Mercury-Venus sextile, plus Saturday brings in the Sun sextile Mars. All this is more than enough to keep you either on your toes with excitement or experiencing anxious.

Uranus keeps many uprooted and with Mercury, thoughts are in overtime along with restlessness. Some may suffer insomnia. The Pluto Jupiter sextile Pluto angle can be very good for gaining great insight and having successes. Mars tossed into the picture heightens just about everything so you might want to do as much as you can while also taking big leaps to get something done.

It’s as if the solar system is stampeding around the Sun either running from the recent solar eclipse or rushing toward the lunar eclipse happening May 16 at the Full Moon in Scorpio. You might want to think about getting organized as Mercury will retrograde on May 10. This is a week to think as calmly and take a day at a time to catch your breath so as to avoid any sense of needing to catch-up or keep pace with what seems needed. Sort through what’s real and essential from a perception you’re in a race.

In-depth daily details: