
Friday, April 10, 2020

April 10, 2020 Moon in Scorpio/Sagittarius


Numerous nice lunar angles today as millions celebrate Good Friday and prepare for unique religious celebrations. Regardless of the extended time to resurrect our outer lives we can still do so from numerous perspectives. We can allow greater emergence of our spirits to integrate. Sagittarius governs beliefs and religion overall as well as the higher mind and all forms of communication. Combined with the 12th house ruling the subconscious and the 3rd house the process of thinking this Moon in Sagittarius from today at 4:35PM ET until Sunday activates all those dreams, ideals and visions always there to be accessed. It’s being reported that while “at home” many more are remembering dreams and vivid dreams are experienced. This is due to the combination of circumstances and is a way to access your own higher mind to “travel” in whatever direction you choose-astral travel, communicating with others, journaling, communing with other beings and ancestrally and many other avenues of freedom. Insight and answers await.