
Sunday, October 13, 2024

Astrology for October 14-20, 2024 & the Aries Full Moon


In addition to the Aries Full Moon, Venus takes prominence and will also change signs, moving into Sagittarius until November 10 helping to regain and boost optimism and hope. Venus is active all week giving you an opportunity to restore within your personal needs and desires and it will help to exercise discernment and gain greater understanding of your relationships with others. The Aries Moon, as it reaches its peak brings forth your sense of how you relate to others and them to you so you can have a clearer perspective of those dynamics. How you feel as an individual becomes important to honor and elevate. The week is personal in that it gives you focus on your own needs and desires.

The Aries Full Moon on Thursday sometime called the Hunter’s Moon which is part of the eclipse axis in that it keeps those more significant doors open for taking the initiative and forging ahead in the way of the pioneer. Until this time it’s good to settle what you can and work on completion so you can go into repose and settle on those hours leading up to it. A full Moon is the culmination of energy so it’s time to rest although contemplation and meditation on accomplishments and ways to go forward is a strong way to work with this vibration.

Venus in Sagittarius beginning October 17 until November 10 is positive and a strong motivator where you need it the most. Energy fuels society and also personal alliances that go a long way. There’s more an inclination to plan and see bigger vistas on the rise and realigning with ones faith and goals is an ideal way to work with this vibration. Venus is considered the planet of love so there’s that in the air with various ways it might manifest. It represents creativity so inspiration to delve into your abilities in that area is stronger. Part of the human psyche is just that – being creative.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Blade Runner is Alive & on Target in Today's World

These recent times suggests the movie, Blade Runner is here and now. 

It's one of my favorites and quite intriguing. When I watched it then I felt it was the likely future for planet Earth. Released in 1982, directed by Ridley Scott, it still holds as quality and perception if we stay on the same path. It's free to see on YouTube. Currently I'm sitting under rainy skies waiting for a storm. 

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Astrology Brief for October 7-13, 2024



The Quarter Moon in Capricorn is an open road toward the next Full Moon on October 17 which is an upward swing of energy carrying you through as you work on gaining ground and making headway during this new season. There’s still an emphasis on discovering where you need to be more empowered that has been and is now through communication including listening. The back and forth dialogue in several avenues of life are revealing and helpful to be discerning and make wise decisions. The last day this week Mercury forms a hard aspect to Pluto and then quickly goes into Scorpio where it will be until November 2. Both energies catapult you into a kind of quickening during which you are in discovery mode – not all pleasant though helpful so you know more thoroughly where issues have originated and your own dynamic within those associations. Being in the last degree of Capricorn begins the long duration in Aquarius, Pluto pushes to see and understand what has happened over the last at least 16 years and where you are today. Changes are still beaconing to see with depth and truth. Social media and mainstream news continues to bombard everyone that before the year ends a shift will begin away from blind faith and simply moving along with it all by rote. Once in mid November major changes unfold and while you’ll be called upon to think more for yourself it’s somewhat welcomed as it opens insight where you can more naturally sense truth from fiction and more layers of what’s happening both personally and in the world. Self-assessment is called for now that strengthens your psyche and prepares you for the changes just ahead. You’re finishing up old business and sorting out how you want to go forward.

The detailed daily insight is on Patreon.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Jordan Rudess - Shadow of the Moon (Official Video)

Astrology Brief for September 30-October 6, 2024



Many look forward to October that seems to hold promise of brighter days to come with the beginning of several holidays and a new season. Halloween has become a major time for sales indicating interest in celebrating and letting go for a time problems and stresses and to some October 31 is All Hallows Eve, the day before All Saints Day is considered sacred. It’s a concept that this is a time when the veil between earth and the spirit world is thin and spirits may go back and forth between the two is embraced.  We’ve already experiencing eclipses still in effect and more intense energy via four Supermoons in a row so a time to relax is welcomed. Cosmic influences vary according to how they fall in individual birth charts although the collective consciousness response affects everyone.

Mercury carries weight this week that both enlightens and opens communication. Seeking what is outside the self and connecting is the impetus influenced by the fourth dimensions. Minds will be charged and roaming for insight and knowledge.

Midweek, Wednesday, the Libra New Moon conjuncts Mercury that furthers multi-levels of awareness during which for two weeks doors are open for attunement. It’s good for asking about anything that might be related to emotions, status, hopes and so on. The channel is open. Study and research goes deep as does understanding. Libra influence helps with perspective.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Sin Eaters

 In not so ancient history people hired someone to be a sin eater with the belief that special  food prepared for the purpose of having the “sin eater” consume it that the sins were consumed through the food and the deceased could ascend to heaven. 

Today many believe food prepared by an angry person is unhealthy or toxic which may or may not be true although there is interesting research about the impact on something when negative energy bombards it. Dr Emoto of Japan has done extensive research with profound photographs of water influenced by specific words spoken into it. Words like hate and love significantly change the molecular structure as shown in his book and on his website. If so then it’s worth considering how what you consume may be influenced by specific energy.

The idea of saying a prayer, grace, before a meal can be worth consideration as this usually includes asking the food be blessed.

 People can eat presumed healthy food while some simply eat whatever they’re inclined regardless of health or any other reason that seems to be both effectual and ineffectual. Fads and about food frequently changes and what’s prescribed changes and yet the ideal diet has yet to be determined.

Some types of toxic people include narcissistic, borderline, histrionic, and antisocial personality disorders, bipolar disorder and a long list of unhealthy mental states. That doesn’t mean someone will get sick by eating food prepared by them but potential psychic or emotional links seem to be a form of binding or influence. Clearly eating “healthy” and striving to maintain good nutrition is worthwhile and yet individuals seem to be subject to other factors such as hopefulness, faith and numerous ideologies. 

Astrology Brief for September 23-29, 2024


The Lunar Eclipse peaked last week though is still in effect emphasized by the current Quarter Moon in Cancer that creates an inward shift of emotion and overall sensitivity. Mercury, planet of communication has a strong pull toward thinking outside-the-box and also being aware of dynamics that may not be all they seem. You can garner strength and fortitude through objectivity and discernment along the way of interacting with others and encountering situations. A boundary is its own strength.

September 24, 2024

The Quarter Moon in Cancer begins a week of realigning with what matters most to you. Your personal life is a priority and ways to secure and nurture it is important. Some things will be put on a back burner to make room for what you care about and need the most.

September 26

Mercury moves into Libra where for a few weeks you can harmonize and see intricacies in relationships. There are opportunities that make it easy to connect with others and gain ground in groups. A key benefit is having perspective so noting those is very helpful to discern and understand interactive dynamics.